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The Moratorium Auditorium: In Which We Unite In Shunning Inadequacy

Crossover from the open letters thread!



Actually, you know what Cams...if you are willing to drive down here, I would be willing to cancel the second date with jorts boy.   8-)  ;)

I am.

Are you serious?

E-mail me!  :agree?:


:bigsmile:  :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


Oh dear goodness.  This is all very, very exciting. 


this thread is going to make me do my millionth "awww" of the night.


Oh wow...this is so exciting!


1.  mdv- i know you're really smart and move at a good pace so i have confidence that whatever you do will be the right thing for you.  you know more about your situation than anyone else does, for sure.

2.  still flat - that guy sounds way needy.  or just super insecure.  he reminds me of my highschool homecoming date who asked me about a million times throughout the night "what are you thinking?", then i had to come up with something besides the truth which was "that you're really annoying the shit out of me"  or "if i want you to fucking know what im thinking i'll tell you - please shut up & stop annoying the shit out of me!!!!"

3.  lotus - if his jean shorts have a hem at the bottom of the legs and look like they may have been purchased at sears, run away.

4.  hypothetical question to you all:  do you think you could find yourself romantically attracted to a really good looking person of the opposite sex who you thought was gay when you first met & talked to them, but then they turned out to be straight?


K and I have had a fifth date. 'Twas verra nice. ^-^

Where'd you go?  etc.

We met after work (both still dressed in our uniforms ::) haha) and wandered into an Irish bar... not many places open on a Wednesday night, so we just picked one that was. It was nice, and quite quiet. We had some beers and some talk and some... smooches. :) I don't know how much I should elaborate on what we talked about. Suffice to say... what we want from each other in the near future. ;)

Then we wandered again until we found somewhere to get some food (cheap food, since it was the day before payday ;D). Had some satay veggies and rice at a Cambodian noodle house. Yumbles. Then, since I couldn't stay out too late (since (a) work the next day and (b) Dad was waiting up to get me at the egde of town when I called) we hung about at the bus exchange until my bus came. More smooches... K didn't seem to want to let me go, and to tell the truth, I didn't either.

Yeah, I feel better and better about things. K makes me happy.


cute cute! 

heli is all grows up!


still flat - that guy sounds way needy.  or just super insecure.  he reminds me of my highschool homecoming date who asked me about a million times throughout the night "what are you thinking?", then i had to come up with something besides the truth which was "that you're really annoying the shit out of me"  or "if i want you to fucking know what im thinking i'll tell you - please shut up & stop annoying the shit out of me!!!!"

See. This is how I am starting to feel. The first couple of times we hung out, I think he was trying really hard to hide his neediness and I liked him more then. Now, he is just letting it out all over the place and maybe he even thinks its cute... Can people stop being needy? Is that possible? Can I say to him, "Stop being so needy?" How does this work?


;)b  heli, you made me smile.  The great big kind with crinkly eyes.


still flat - that guy sounds way needy.  or just super insecure.  he reminds me of my highschool homecoming date who asked me about a million times throughout the night "what are you thinking?", then i had to come up with something besides the truth which was "that you're really annoying the shit out of me"  or "if i want you to fucking know what im thinking i'll tell you - please shut up & stop annoying the shit out of me!!!!"

See. This is how I am starting to feel. The first couple of times we hung out, I think he was trying really hard to hide his neediness and I liked him more then. Now, he is just letting it out all over the place and maybe he even thinks its cute... Can people stop being needy? Is that possible? Can I say to him, "Stop being so needy?" How does this work?

I used to be the needy type, and it seemed to come from a lack of confidence.  It went away, but it takes some work, and it probably took me two different relationships to get over it.  You should probably explain that his neediness is pushing you away, he might not realize how annoying it is. 


yay heli,  sounds like things are getting sorted - both with K and with yourself (y'know, like getting used to you dating and being sexually attracted to someone).

You made me smile lots.

Also, Cam and lotus - w00t woo!  Please please sort it out and get together already!


I used to be the needy type, and it seemed to come from a lack of confidence.  It went away, but it takes some work, and it probably took me two different relationships to get over it.  You should probably explain that his neediness is pushing you away, he might not realize how annoying it is. 

I think I was a little needy in my 20s.  Now I'm in a different place.  I can be a part of someone's life, but not the whole thing.  And now I believe in "modified monogamy".  I dunno.  My neediness went away when I no longer felt a need to measure up.


So, how much do y'all know about timing pregnancies with menstual cycles.  I'm not on birth control and I was smack dab in the middle part between periods when I had my stupid unprotected sex.  The middle part in the zone is where you don't get preggers, right?  I just noticed that when I went for the tests they didn't do a pregnancy test.  And I want to drink this weekend.


you can get pregnant anytime - there's no 100% safe time.  id run to the store and get a test.. but im not sure it would show up this quickly.. i think it takes a few weeks.  although i also believe if you drink this early you'd probably be fine.


It'd be only by a super slim margin of chance that I'd be pregnant, based on the event.  We're doing a conceptual island getaway this weekend, so the drinks will be more of the mellow blended margarita type.

Crike.  There's a lot of follow-up.


then i'd drink up.


back at ya!  i think im gonna have some beet sangria tonight!


So, how much do y'all know about timing pregnancies with menstual cycles.  I'm not on birth control and I was smack dab in the middle part between periods when I had my stupid unprotected sex.  The middle part in the zone is where you don't get preggers, right?  I just noticed that when I went for the tests they didn't do a pregnancy test.  And I want to drink this weekend.

how long are your cycles? are they regular? if they are SUPER regular that is the only way you can know for sure, but the middle time is actually probably when you ovulate. your period happens 12-16 days after ovulation, so if you were due to have a period about 13-25 days after the event, that could be worrisome.



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