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The Moratorium Auditorium: In Which We Unite In Shunning Inadequacy

Crossover from the open letters thread!



Good for you for getting your independence! I'm glad you're looking for someone who deserves you, instead of settling for the usual pond scum.

Dinner? How about either man-food like lasagna, or breakfast-for-dinner with pancakes!

Are you going to watch a movie?


I am the worst at making lasagna! And I hate pancakes, but thanks for the suggestions! Haha!

Anyway, yeah. I think we will probably watch a movie. Although, that worries me. I mean, I joined the moratorium for a reason! Not having sex with people you would like to have sex with is probably one of the hardest things EVER!


If you do a stirfry you could cut up veggies.  I find veggie cutting conducive to conversation.


hmmm.. am i still the only one actually still in the dating moratorium?  wtf?  you guys are all coupled-up quitters!!


I'm still here Propinecone!  Trust me when I say that I may be here for a long time =P.  I'd really love to record one of my dates and post it on here... it would be a great laugh.


I'm still here Propinecone!  Trust me when I say that I may be here for a long time =P.  I'd really love to record one of my dates and post it on here... it would be a great laugh.

Look out, sweet cheeks. The vegan babes are coming for you.


I'm still here Propinecone!  Trust me when I say that I may be here for a long time =P.  I'd really love to record one of my dates and post it on here... it would be a great laugh.

Do it!


I'm still here Propinecone!  Trust me when I say that I may be here for a long time =P.  I'd really love to record one of my dates and post it on here... it would be a great laugh.

not really though... you're dating people!


Anyway, R is coming over tomorrow night and we are going to cook dinner together. It should be super cute. I don't know what we should make. Any suggestions?

Yay!! You could do spaghetti/pasta with a homemade tomato sauce/cashew alfredo, and salad. Brownies for dessert?


i'm still dates in a long time. 


Anyway, R is coming over tomorrow night and we are going to cook dinner together. It should be super cute. I don't know what we should make. Any suggestions?

Yay!! You could do spaghetti/pasta with a homemade tomato sauce/cashew alfredo, and salad. Brownies for dessert?

whee!!! <3
how about soup with dumplings?!  ;)b


k lotus - im counting on you!  mdv is hanging by a thread... a mushy love soaked thread..


Anyway, R is coming over tomorrow night and we are going to cook dinner together. It should be super cute. I don't know what we should make. Any suggestions?

Yay!! You could do spaghetti/pasta with a homemade tomato sauce/cashew alfredo, and salad. Brownies for dessert?

whee!!! <3
how about soup with dumplings?!  ;)b

You know I love my dumplin's!

Oh and I didn't even think about dessert! Brownies sound like a fantastic idea! Brownies with the works!


Whoah now, I went on two whole dates in the past year, and only once per person... that amounts to a dating fail in my opinion.

I would totally date you Lotus, why the heck do you have to live so far away?  :-[


Whoah now, I went on two whole dates in the past year, and only once per person... that amounts to a dating fail in my opinion.

I would totally date you Lotus, why the heck do you have to live so far away?  :-[

This is why you BOTH need to come to California!  Vegweb love connection!  And then you can get married and all of us can be in the bridal party and/or groomsmen! 

I hope I'm not getting ahead of myself.  8-) ;D


Whoah now, I went on two whole dates in the past year, and only once per person... that amounts to a dating fail in my opinion.

I would totally date you Lotus, why the heck do you have to live so far away?  :-[

This is why you BOTH need to come to California!  Vegweb love connection!  And then you can get married and all of us can be in the bridal party and/or groomsmen! 

I hope I'm not getting ahead of myself.   8-) ;D

Yeahyeahyeahyeahyeahyeahyeahyeahyeah!  :D Cam, you comin'? (:lol:)


Oh, so I have a good story from the other day that has to do with MA.

I was at Planned Parenthood the other day getting a regular STD check-up.  Now, I wasn't worried about anything of course, but I thought I'd get myself a clean bill of sexual health since I'm on the market and all.  So I'm sitting there, and the nurse is asking me all sorts of questions, and starts doing the set of tests.  She goes to take some blood, and asks how I have such good veins; I shrug and say maybe because I climb a lot.  She starts asking me all about climbing and such, and while she's tying the heroin-type rubber band around my arm, my immobile hand comes in contact with her chest, and then a minute later she's standing in front of me and my hand is between her legs and I can't back up any further, or jerk my around away because the needle is still sticking in it.  Now thoroughly uncomfortable, she starts obvious flirting techniques, and asks if the climbing gym I work at is good for couples.  I say yes, and then she looks at me and states, "now I just need a date to go with me."  She repeats this a few more times, and since I just sit there and nod, changes the subject.

But seriously, who hits on someone who is getting tested for STD's???  Maybe it is romantic that my HIV test strip is sitting on the counter next to me?  "Hey baby, check this out.  Clean fo sho!"

Anyway, she kept batting her eyes at me till I was sitting back in the waiting room again, and then had her friend ask me if she should go to the gym, and if she'd be good at it...
I left feeling pleased with myself, but still weirded out a bit.


Was she hot?  That's the question.


Was she hot?  That's the question.

She definitely wasn't Lotus!


She was cute, but definitely not my type.  Oh yeah, she wasn't Lotus either.



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