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The Moratorium Auditorium: In Which We Unite In Shunning Inadequacy

Crossover from the open letters thread!



Camillus, I couldn't find your profile. BUT. I did check out the other dudes in your demographic and it looks to me like you definitely have a leg up on the competition. Seriously. You're a catch!

:fish:  Aww, thanks BR!  Man, if only Vegweb had a dating section.  I would seriously date like 95% of the people on here, everyone is just so smart and sexy!  :)>>>

oh Camillus, your profile is super!  ;)b I like that 7 of the sections say edited by bp. nice.

I have been on okc for years and I get more messages when I'm single, obviously, but I never got tons. I am not desirable to as many people I guess.

Thank you too!  But stop being so modest, I bet you get tons of fan mail.
I just looked at your profile, and it is awesome, and very funny.  Oh... you've done a couple of the tests too eh?


oh Camillus, your profile is super!  ;)b I like that 7 of the sections say edited by bp. nice.

I have been on okc for years and I get more messages when I'm single, obviously, but I never got tons. I am not desirable to as many people I guess.

Thank you too!  But stop being so modest, I bet you get tons of fan mail.
I just looked at your profile, and it is awesome, and very funny.  Oh... you've done a couple of the tests too eh?

Hahaha just a few tests  ;)  Thanks, Camillus.

I just changed my status to single again. I have been seeing someone since January and he's been so confusing and jerky and I just can't deal with him anymore. So we're done. He's been texting me and calling me all night but I finally just started ignoring him.  I don't know if I'm going to try to meet anyone else though. I realized from this that I'm still not over my previous bf, who I was with for almost 2 1/2 years.  He left in november and I still need time to cry over him. I think I belong in the MA now.


This little Heli got a birthday kiss, fer sure. ^-^ :wow: ;D

I think... I'm FROFing. And following intuition. And taking things as slowly as I need to. New experiences are interesting. (Duh :P)


Awesome Heli!  And a happy belated birthday!

I'm sorry to hear that your boy didn't work out Algae, but he didn't deserve you.  I hope he doesn't turn stalkerish...
Anyway, there's no reason to rush relationships... which is my excuse for not having one for so long.  :P


Yay heli (and alg-you definitely deserve better; take your time!)!

Do we get fb details, heli?  :>


heli, details please!


yay heli - congrats!!  (it was your first ever right?)

yes - details needed!


Sorry, friends, I shall have to elaborate this evening. I cannot now or I'll be late for workee. ::)


but it is the evening in my country!


but it is the evening in my country!

I knows, I knows... time zones are a bitch. ;D


but it is the evening in my country!

I knows, I knows... time zones are a bitch. ;D

Time zone difference? Sounds CONVENIENT!!
I can't wait to hear about your birthday kiss!


I'm imagining it was like those cartoons, where the person kissed gets stars in their eyes, and their heart is visibly jumping out of their chest.



Whattttttt, this is epic.  I can't wait.  I really can't.  Hurry back, love!  :-*


maybe by the time I get up in the morning heli will have posted all the gory details


Yay Heli!  I can't wait to hear all about it! :)


I'm here, now. Waiting.


Time for another gigantic, long post about Heli! ::) :-* *fetches a glass of wine* (I've been looking forward to sharing with you ladies all day! :))

I wanna give a little foreword to the date report... the day before, I'd been complaining to one of the guys at work (who's a smart-arse, but a good guy really, who likes giving me a hard time) about having to work on my birthday (the next day). Now, he knows that K is looking for someone to date, but I don't think he knows we've been on a date or two. Heh. Anyway, he called K over and joked that he could make my birthday better by giving me a birthday kiss the next day. We all laughed, and I managed not to blush. :P A little bit later, K and I were alone for a moment, and we joked/flirted about the idea. ::) However, while I did get a surprise card and chocolate at work from K, there really wasn't an opportunity at work for the kiss thing, although I'd been curious all day if he'd actually be bold enough.

Oookay. So, even though it was a late-starting date on a night before an early work morning, I was happy to go out with K on my birthday. We met at a Starbucks, then walked to this groovy backstreet lane place with a bunch of interesting bars around a sort of courtyard. We chose a fancy-beery kinda place, and sat inside since it was quite cold out. We got a couple of drinks and started talking... the conversation flowed a bit more easily this time. ;)b

About halfway through drinking our first glasses o' beer, K reached for my hand(s) and held them. After a bit, he moved around the table to sit next to me and put his arm around me. I was okay with this, as I felt a lot less nervous compared to last time, having had a lot of time to think. And it felt nice. We kindasorta kept talking, and then he mentioned the idea of a kiss. So we tried it. And, um...  ??? I don't know if I like kissing. Not on the lips, anyway? I didn't feel anything while it was happening. But then K grew somewhat more amorous, smooching and kissing around my neck, and that felt nicer.

*pause* Uh, I don't know how much detail you girls want to hear, here! :o ;D and I don't know how to describe this stuff without sounding high-schoolish?! *shrug*

I got fondled! Hehehe. Yeah... in lots of places. And it was kinda nice(!). Meanwhile there was sometimes a bit of talking, sometimes not, with K asking me what I was thinking a few times, and me trying to describe how I was thinking, or to be more precise, feeling. At one point I said I felt like I was being selfish; but because this was all new to me, I didn't know how to.. give back. He said it was okay, and I should just act naturally... and we agreed that it was my birthday, so I could just enjoy what I was enjoying. :> And when it got a bit too overwhelming, I asked him to stop, and he was quite happy to... although I'm sure that if I'd encouraged him, he would have been ecstatic to proceed further. :-X Heh.

During all this we had another glass of beer - which I drank slowly, just to be safe ;D - and then we left and had a brief walk around the streets, still holding hands. And then a few more embraces while I waited for my bus. And then I went home! ...with a lot on my mind and my imagination.

Questions? Comments?


:-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*

heli thats so sweet! *and* saucy!!!
im so glad for you. im sure there are going to be a ton of stolen kisses throughout your workdays!


Heli has sexytime!

That sounds great ... if you don't like kissing now, be aware that it's usually more fun the second time without the "shall we kiss?" conversation.

Keep up the good work, foxy lady!


:-*  Sounds nice!  ;)b

My comment is: Just continue to do what feels natural, and communicate. Oh, and have fun!

My question is: This was occurring inside the bar place? Were lots of people right around you? Did that make you uncomfortable? I'm probably just imagining it incorrectly. Not that there's anything wrong with that.



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