best way to deal with cooking oil?
Posted by smasher on Jun 04, 2009 · Member since Jun 2009 · 7 posts
i buy oil 4-6 liters at a time, which will last for months. what's the best way to deal with the oil as i use it? i'm almost thinking of condiment squeeze bottles (search amazon if you're not sure) but i'm wondering if there's a better option.
it would make me insane if I had to qnswer all those's just too hard....
I owe thanks to this thread, b/c it (sb!) gave me the idea to get some of those squirty bottles. I have 12 on the way! ;)b
I was intrigued by that, too. What kind of squirty bottles are you both talking about?
This kind?
I kind of want some so I can do fancy squiggles on plates, but I'd have to make something first.
I was intrigued by that, too. What kind of squirty bottles are you both talking about?
This kind?
I kind of want some so I can do fancy squiggles on plates, but I'd have to make something first.
yep, those kind
it's fun to put chocolate sauce, rasberry sauce, etc in them and squirt it on a dessert plate
Yep, I got 12 of the clear ones (12 oz) on ebay. I'm excited.
i buy oil 4-6 liters at a time, which will last for months. what's the best way to deal with the oil as i use it? i'm almost thinking of condiment squeeze bottles (search amazon if you're not sure) but i'm wondering if there's a better option.
they have amazon in NZ? :o I really thought that someone had told me it doesn't work/exist there
they have amazon in NZ? :o I really thought that someone had told me it doesn't work/exist there
haha, no, we don't 'have' amazon in New Zealand, but you can buy from US/UK amazon and get it delivered to New Zealand. We've bought tonnes of CDs from Amazon over the years. No free shipping though, and obviously everything takes a bit longer to get here :(
they have amazon in NZ? :o I really thought that someone had told me it doesn't work/exist there
some things like books they'll ship here. almost everything else they don't ship outside the US, or whatever country's amazon site your looking at (like amazon-uk).
i'm equipping my kitchen and just spent some big $$$ at amazon-us. most of the stuff is currently in my friends living room, in NJ. in the next day or two it should be on the way here. the sad thing is that for the same prices i'd pay to get decent stuff here, i can get great stuff double-shipped. but it doesn't work out for orders that are too small, or items that are too big.
I suppose it depends how much you spend but I don't order books from Amazon because the postage from US to Spain can be more than the book. I'm surprised you can afford the shipping to NZ, unless you wait and place a big order. And even so.
I suppose it depends how much you spend but I don't order books from Amazon because the postage from US to Spain can be more than the book. I'm surprised you can afford the shipping to NZ, unless you wait and place a big order. And even so.
recently i ordered three books. two of them where cheaper to buy from amazon (US) and ship here (with somewhat expedited shipping). the 3rd i ordered from a NZ website because it was slightly cheaper. the 3rd book arrived almost two weeks later than the first two and, i forget now, but it shipped from either the US or the UK.
NZ is an island country at the bottom of the world, with a population smaller than L.A., and the price of "things" here tends to reflect shipping costs and inefficient (non-competitive) supply chains.
shortly after moving here i got a blend-tec. for simplicity, let's say we can take the exchange rate at the time as 2:1. so, my $400(US, retail) blend-tec, should cost about $800(NZ) plus GST totaling about $900. why is the sticker price of a new blend-tec here $2300(NZ)?? because it's a smaller market, only one importer, and only one distributor.
btw; i asked a friend who used to work in restaurants about oil (and various sauces). he said old wine bottles with pour-spouts are often used in the kitchens, and squeeze bottles are often used for plating & presentation.
(slaps forehead) I hadn't thought of supplier and demand. One supplier, relatively large demand...high prices.
Duh me.