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Allergies to grains ?? (Food Allergy/Intolerance)

I've always been a big grains person. I love pasta and rice dishes! Yum...I'm drooling just thinking about them. Unfortunately, for the past six months or so, everytime I eat any type of grains, I get sick. I'm talking, huge stomach ache into the next day sick. I never used to have any problems eating anything. It just happened out of no where  :'(

Does anyone know if this is a common thing? Has this ever happened to anyone else?

Btw... I changed my username if anyone is confussed  :)

hey i just read this today.. diy allergy test

they also have a article about reusing your paper & plastic grocery bags into waterproof mailing packages..


yup - good luck


weird! that sucks. Is it mostly gas & bloating? Maybe you just aren't digesting these things properly? I have that problem at times, not often though. Maybe try taking papaya enzyme tablets (the enzymes break down proteins, so it gives you an extra boost there to digest them) I hope you can figure it out, and i hope it doesn't result in you being unable to eat delicious grains...! :P


I know what it;s like to have severe pain and a bloated abdomen :/ I used to get it really badly a couple summers ago, it would wake me up in the middle of the night and I couldn't do anything for it. I wasn't able to fall back asleep for hours and if I did, I had to do it propped up against the headboard of my bed. It was so frustrating.

I almost had an ultrasound done, but it went away on its own, so I never did. It was suggested to me that I might have diverticulitis or something, but it hasn't been persistent so I don't think that was what it was. I have had it once or twice in the past couple months, but definitely not as severe or for as long/as often, so I usually just figure it's from something I ate not agreeing with me in some way...I started taking papaya tablets with meals I know are harder to digest (ie grains & beans/seed dishes) and so far haven't had an issue, but it's only been a couple weeks. Apparently eating fresh pineapple or papaya also helps. The summer that I had it really badly I had been working overtime at a physically demanding job, so that probably contributed too (from stress).

Other than that, the only advice I have is to get some rolaids or something, and hope for the best! good luck.

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