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Cat story...NVR...just cute

So, we've been fostering this (formerly pregnant) cat for about a month and a half and she had her kittens about a month ago--only two of them, a boy and a girl. I was in my room (where we've been keeping them separate from our other cats so momma doesn't feel that her babies are threatened by my quasi-evil female cat) reading this evening and the momma and her babies were just so darn cute that I had to share...

The kittens are in a very rambunctious stage right now--running/stumbling/bumping into things/wrestling, etc. So, momma was getting down in a "pouncing" position and the kittens would shake their little butts and run up and whap her with their tiny paws and she'd roll over and wrestle with them ever-so-gently so that they "won"--reminded me of human parents playing baseball in the backyard with their kids and running at turtle speeds so that their kids could make it to a base without getting out. Just made me smile a bit...hope it does the same for you :)
P.S. If you know anyone in the Phoenix area looking for a special cat or kitten to love (or all of them!), let me know. Finding them good homes has proved more difficult than I thought. I would love to keep them all, but we can't have five grown cats in this apartment and my girl cat hates the mom.

Awww... I love that stage!  That's a cute story, thanks for sharing.


P.S. If you know anyone in the Phoenix area looking for a special cat or kitten to love (or all of them!), let me know. Finding them good homes has proved more difficult than I thought. I would love to keep them all, but we can't have five grown cats in this apartment and my girl cat hates the mom.

Thanks for sharing that! :)
Try finding a local rescue group that will allow you to post their pics and profiles on Make sure they allow you to interview whoever sends emails and is interested in adopting them. Most rescue groups will allow you to post their profiles as long as you agree to keep fostering them due to lack of space or any available foster homes. Good Luck!


Thanks for sharing that! :)
Try finding a local rescue group that will allow you to post their pics and profiles on Make sure they allow you to interview whoever sends emails and is interested in adopting them. Most rescue groups will allow you to post their profiles as long as you agree to keep fostering them due to lack of space or any available foster homes. Good Luck!

Thanks! I was looking for something like that--I'll look into that later this week and see what I can come up with.


Awww!!!!!!!!!! What a beautiful cat family!!!!!!! That just made me smile!  :) I love animals!


So cute! 


great story! i just got a new kitten so my current kitty would have a playmate while i'm at work all day. unfortunately, my cat is evil and doesn't go easy on the new kitten. it's still cute to watch the ktiten struggle under the strength of my full grown evilkitty


This made me smile just picturing them playing like that!  How adorable!  Kitties are so entertaining!  (Well I guess so are most all animals when you get to watching them!)  ;D

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