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Member since February 2007

Baked Toaster-like Pastries

What you need: 

3/4 cup whole wheat flour
1/4 cup whole wheat pastry flour
1/2 cup margarine
1/4 cup water
fruit jam or preserves, as needed

What you do: 

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease a cookie sheet and set aside. In a bowl, combine the flours (you can use whatever flour you want).
2. Add the margarine and cut into flour with pastry cutter or fork, adding water as needed; I didn't need the full 1/4 cup. Divide dough into 4 equal sized balls, and on a floured surface, roll each out one at a time into a rectangle shape.
3. On 1/2 the rectangle, spread about 1 tablespoon (or more if you like) of jam, leaving an edge of dough visible. Fold dough over to cover the jam and use a fork to connect the edges. You might need a little water to get them to hold together, if you use a lot of flour to roll it out.
4. When all 4 are done, put them on the cookie sheet and bake for 12-18 minutes. Take them off the cookie sheet and let rest on a cooling rack.

Preparation Time: 
about 30 minutes
Cooking Time: 
Recipe Category: 


I forgot to add, after posting my pictures, the fillings I used were homemade peach jam and orange marmalade. The marmalade was so-so, but the peach jam was really, really good. I sprinkled some raw sugar over the tops of them to give them a little sparkle also. Thanks for the recipe. YUM!  ;)


I had such a hankering for Pop Tarts the other day, and I couldn't find a single box of them that contain gelatin.  So, the boyfriend says "Why don't you make some?" And sure enough- vegweb to the rescue!   ;D

In addition to jam-filled, I also made chocolate & peanut butter and chocolate & ricemellow cream.  The ricemellow was a perfect addition!

My next attempt will include "lemon creme" with lemon juice + banana + coconut.  Not really Pop Tart-ish, but it sounds good to me.

That was supposed to say "didn't contain gelatin."  *slaps forehead*


I had such a hankering for Pop Tarts the other day, and I couldn't find a single box of them that contain gelatin.  So, the boyfriend says "Why don't you make some?" And sure enough- vegweb to the rescue!  ;D

In addition to jam-filled, I also made chocolate & peanut butter and chocolate & ricemellow cream.  The ricemellow was a perfect addition!

My next attempt will include "lemon creme" with lemon juice + banana + coconut.  Not really Pop Tart-ish, but it sounds good to me.


those look sooo delicious!  Ashley Kimball, you are gonna be a vegweb legend for making some of the best looking dishes!  I want to make these ASAP!


Whoops i forgot to add some stuff to my last post.  The icing recipe is: 1.5 cups powdered sugar, 2 tablespoons water, 1 scant teaspoon vanilla (may need to add more water, it should look like thickish elmer's glue).  It's not exactly like regular pop-tart icing though.  And this kind of upsets me.  It dries and everything (meaning it's not sticky and you can stack the "pop-tarts"), but it doesn't taste the same or have the same texture.  Any ideas?

A doubled recipe made 10 pop-tart sized pastries.  They baked in 10 minutes for me.  Letting the un-iced pastries sit around in a bag for 1.5 days really did improve the "crust".  (lol, back in the day I would break off the edge crusts of pop-tarts, and just eat the middle part!)


I made these into the "Hot Fudge Sundae" version of pop-tarts.  As my brother puts it: "Everyone who eats pop-tarts KNOWS they are the best kind."

I doubled the recipe, cut the amount of margarine in half and added some amount of cocoa and sugar.  The filling is 1 stripe of home made vanilla pudding and 2 stripes of "hot fudge sauce".  Which is my lame version, lol.  It's something like: Chocolate (4 ounces), soy milk, powdered sugar, vanilla, water.  The icing is powdered sugar, water and vanilla.  The chocolate decor on the icing is leftover "hot fudge sauce."

They're waaaay sugary for me, but my mom LOVED them.  I can't wait for my brother to try them.

Thank you soooo much for the recipe


Mizzou, I was thinking the same thing.  We used to make something called apple bars at home, just piecrust with sliced peeled apples, sugar, butter, flour and cinnamon filling.  I am thinking that is what I'll use and fill them fuller...umm make a lumpy popveg tart? 

I have this recipe stashed in my box here and I look forward to teh weekend to make them. I try to bake on Saturday mornings for the week.  These will make a huge treat.


Ooh, I didn't think it was possible to "healthify" these monstrocities... great idea!
I'd be interested in using soaked-and-blended dried fruit (figs, raisins, apricots) for the filling! Like Newtons, but bigger and better for you! :D


you can use whatever flour you want, i just like the whole wheat pastry flour because it has less calories and makes things taste more like dessert (textue wise). it's generally a finer-ground wheat flour.

what i usually do is, after they've cooled completely, stick them in a ziplock bag and then the dough gets pretty moist. not flakey like a real poptart but kinda chewy.

i would think they'd stay fresh for a little while. i usually just make a batch of two at a time because i'm the only one that eats them, and they're gone within 3 days or so and they stay fresh.


whats pastry flour, can i just use reg or some other flour..?



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