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Wildlife blogger has noticed something

He says he's open to opinions.  I left a comment.  It'll be interesting to see if he allows my comment through. 

I don't see your comment so far, T. (No surprises there, then.) What I can't get over is his wonderment, if he is indeed a wildlife photographer. You mean he just now noticed this?  ???Where does he keep himself? (I have to say I was rather surprised to find a photojournalist who spells "innards" as "innerts"--inert meaning motionless... but then I'm a librarian wannabe.)


hahah... THIS is why so many people are sceptical of the internet... anyone with a keypad and a cable connection can type whatever random and inane comments are floating around their heads for the rest of the world to read. although I guess this applies to all of us here too. yabbitgirl, i second your bemusment.


(I have to say I was rather surprised to find a photojournalist who spells "innards" as "innerts"--inert meaning motionless... but then I'm a librarian wannabe.)

He is a photojournalist, NOT a journalist. . .who needs to spell when a picture says a thousand words without a letter ?  ;) At least he's given up hunting.  :)

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