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Whale Wars

This is my favorite show, hands down not just for entertainment value but because I really appreciate and support Paul Watson and the Sea Shepherds' mission.  There is a forum in Food Fight to debate anything about the orgainization,

but in here those who like it, (like me!) can talk about the show.  The offical first show is on next Friday, but if you have Comcast On-Demand you can watch the first episode of season three.  Its awesome, they recieved a 5 million dollar donation from Bob Barker and got two more boats, (one speedy high-tech one to catch the harpooning ships, and one ghost-ship that was unknown to everyone.)  In the first episode they already encounter a harpoon vessel, after about 6 days into their mission.  This is refreshing after so many missions in past seasons where they don't find the whalers until right before they are going to run  out of fuel.  The crew eats vegan on board and Paul Watson has a long history of animal advocacy, he is my hero! Heres a link to catch up on episodes from past seasons on animal planet

heres a link to the Sea Shepherds' website to learn about Paul, missions, and crew members.

My favorites are Paul, (of course,) Peter Hamersdt is the first mate or something, and hes awesome too! The guys that boarded the ship that one time are pretty hard core too!

have you guys seen the SouthPark parody of Whale Wars?  I reluctantly watched it yesterday online - they make fun of them a little, mainly Paul, but it is actually pretty funny.....


have you guys seen the SouthPark parody of Whale Wars?  I reluctantly watched it yesterday online - they make fun of them a little, mainly Paul, but it is actually pretty funny.....

I've not seen the video. I'll check it out.


The new campaign this season is intense! Anyone watching the new episodes? At the end of last weeks they have located the meat factory ship Nisshin Maru after traveling around being spied on. Both sides used spy tactics and the new ships kick ass!

The south park episode is pretty good but "Free Willzyx" is my favorite.


I've been watching, yes this season is so exciting! I can't wait for next week to see if they catch that ship, and to see the Ady Gil in action.  I love Captain Bethune, hes sweet yet hilarious and hard-core.  Awesome! Hopefully the day comes when they don't have to be out there anymore.


it's unfortunate that the Ady Gil doesn't get to see much action before it is destroyed....but it should be exciting to see Capt. Bethune board the whaling ship - I'm sure I'll be yelling at the TV even though I already know what happens....


it's unfortunate that the Ady Gil doesn't get to see much action before it is destroyed....but it should be exciting to see Capt. Bethune board the whaling ship - I'm sure I'll be yelling at the TV even though I already know what happens....

I know, its hard knowing whats going to happen already because they are so excited and Capt. Bethune is sooo awesome....its gonna be sad, I guess I mean its already sad but it will be sad to watch


I can't wait for tonight!

Since i know you guys are as into the campaign as me, I wanted to ask..

Who do you think is the most brave member of SS antarctica? I'd say pilot Altman or Potts. Hammarstedt is also one of my favs.

I introduced a friend to the show, who doesn't like the over dramatization but is hugely impressed by the passion.. does this bother you? Personally I think SOME SITUATIONS are DRAMATIC enough to justify, but other scenes are overdone for sure.. it's unnecessary.

Lastly, do you think they go too far? By intentionally causing collisions, nav through risky ice fields and the Ady Gil game of chicken fiasco ( TRAGIC )  I feel that it's much too far, but they're still ultra-heroes to me and I admire their other efforts 100%

Anyway, I can't wait to see the new episode tonight, and it's unfortunate that the recent IWC meeting didn't favor the whales.


personally, I don't think they take it far enough....but I understand wanting to obey the law - mostly....


I don't think they take it far enough either but like Erinmonster said, there's the law. They have to follow it or else they can't help the whales at all.

I really get pissed when I hear people say they take it too far, why care about the Japanese over the whales? The whales are the ones who are just living their life peacefully not hurting anyone else and are being killed. The Japanese know exactly what they're getting into, are much more violent than the SSCS and are murdering the whales. The SSCS are very careful with what they do while the Japanese don't mind pointing an L-RAD at a helicopter.


Just food for thought -

Do you guys think the Capt. and the crew have amped up their attacks just for TV? I wonder if the TV people were gone would the crew be more aggressive, less aggressive, or the same?


They've increased their fight and tactics because the Japanese have. Why would they just let the Japanese walk all over them? If one steps it up, they're forced to step it up as well.

Also, to ask such a question implies that you don't know much about Paul Watson. He once handcuffed himself to a fishing line while the ship dragged him around in the freezing water, slamming him up against the side of the ship and submerging him in the freezing waters. When someone finally got the ship to stop they attacked him while he was half unconcious. Paul Watson isn't a pussy. He's run in front of ships during the seal hunt, been jailed various times and has fought face to face with dangerous sealers who he knows wants him dead.


Good info about Paul Watson's past. All I was wondering is this - to me it seems reality cast members on reality shows will do certain things differently than they otherwise would. They act different for whatever reason. Sometimes it could be something as simple as the director/producer/creator of the show wants to intervene and change things simply for higher drama for higher ratings.

If Watson and his crew are being 100% genuine, I'm certainly glad to know that. Either way, the whalers have to stop!


Watson would not allow that. Not to mention he's been on and off of the camera his entire life. Many media and documentary people have wanted to go with him to see what he has been doing and to document his fight. If you've ever seen The Cove he was in that movie since they had been trying to expose the Japanese slaughter of the dolphins as well. SSCS is doing much more than fighting the Japanese whalers, they're all over the place doing various things. You should read some of his books. I think they have them on Amazon used for cheap.


The Cove? I'll have to check into that. Thanks for the heads up.


Anyone else watching Larry King Live right now? Paul Watson, members of the SSCS and Bob Barker are on.


Anyone else watching Larry King Live right now? Paul Watson, members of the SSCS and Bob Barker are on.

we recorded it....but won't watch it until tonight probably....


Anyone else watching Larry King Live right now? Paul Watson, members of the SSCS and Bob Barker are on.

we recorded it....but won't watch it until tonight probably....

I won't spoil it for you then but it was really good!


Anyone else watching Larry King Live right now? Paul Watson, members of the SSCS and Bob Barker are on.

we recorded it....but won't watch it until tonight probably....

I won't spoil it for you then but it was really good!

so bummed I missed it, is it online anywhere??


Anyone else watching Larry King Live right now? Paul Watson, members of the SSCS and Bob Barker are on.

we recorded it....but won't watch it until tonight probably....

I won't spoil it for you then but it was really good!

so bummed I missed it, is it online anywhere??

I know that they have at least clips of it online, let me look...sorry, I can't find it anywhere.


we watched it the other night - I'm glad that Larry seemed genuinely interested in them, but maybe thats how he always is, I've never watched him before.....
but I felt that they were rushing - talking so when Paul was telling his whale story about why he started all of this...its an extremely moving story, but he rushed through it and it kinda lost its power....
but overall, I enjoyed it...
Laurens is too cute!



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