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NVR Any Firefly Fans???
Hey Guys!

I am such a sci-fi junky, especially Firefly/Serenity so I was wondering if any of you very fine VegWeb people were too!

I'm also a Star Trek junky and into most other sci-fi so if your not into Firefly but want to start a sci-fi discussion--I'm game!
I'll now return you to your regularly scheduled threads!

I'm a huge Joss Whedon fan. I'm not a Star Trek enthusiast for some reason. Have you seen The 4400? been downloading the new season, its pretty good.


I'm a huge Joss Whedon fan. I'm not a Star Trek enthusiast for some reason. Have you seen The 4400? been downloading the new season, its pretty good.

Yea!!! Wheadon is the bomb! 
I saw a season 1 recap of the 4400 and it was awesome, but I have never actually seen the series, where do you download the episodes? I would love to see the whole series!


i'm a huge joss whedon fan as well. i liked Firefly and have it on dvd but didnt like it as much as Buffy and Angel--i was so incredibly obsessed with those shows


i'm a huge joss whedon fan as well. i liked Firefly and have it on dvd but didnt like it as much as Buffy and Angel--i was so incredibly obsessed with those shows

WHAT???? My protective senses just rose to their highest peak! Firefly is the best series EVER! Poor thing just never had a chance...OK...I guess you are entitled to your own opinion...I suppose we can still be firends *wink* I have several fans who are Buffy/Angel freaks! I never got into either show..I know I know, I should be shot...but I do love Joss! he is my god! ( I actually have a pic of him as Jesus on my myspace page...) :P
Oi! Nathan Fillion is HOT!


"Best series EVER"  I agree.  :D I love Firefly, especially Jayne.  It was over too soon. 
I'm going to watch a few episodes tonight, since you mentioned it.

Harken: Seems odd you'd name your ship after a battle you were on the wrong side of. 
Mal: May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


I loved it too.  At the time, I didn't know who Joss Whedon was (never watched Buffy or Angel); I just knew I'd found something really great to watch on Friday night.


I'm a crazy Buffy/Angel/Firefly/Serenity freak too. I've spent way too much money on box sets!

Hmm.. The only Star Trek I got really into was Voyager- but I love it with a passion. 


"Best series EVER"   I agree.  :D I love Firefly, especially Jayne.  It was over too soon. 
I'm going to watch a few episodes tonight, since you mentioned it.

Harken: Seems odd you'd name your ship after a battle you were on the wrong side of. 
Mal: May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

You're my new best friend! SO you wanna come over tomorrow and watch Serenity??? I'll make popcorn and have protein in all the colors of the rainbow!  ;)

OMG! I am so in ove with Jayne...I wanna hate him for his inevitable betrayl of River and Simon, but he's so adorably manish and stupid that I just love him so!

Jayne: "Time for some thrilling heroics."

Jayne: "These are stone killers, little man. They ain't cuddly like me."

Jayne: "Do you know what the chain of command is here? It's the chain I go get and beat you with to show you who's in command."


When I read your subject line, I thought you were talking about real fireflies and I was all set to type how I love them and was just talking with my sisters about them this evening!


Firefly was a great show (I saw all the episodes on DVD). It does suck that the show got the ax way too soon. I did enjoy Serenity, but not nearly as much as the series itself; they killed off too many cool main characters in the movie--I didn't like that--I felt a little cheated and depressed over it.

I agree--Jayne is a great character. He cracks me up (I liked the episode where he sees the statue of himself). Mal cracks me up, too, though.

Capture, don't hate me for it, but as much as I like Firefly, I do like the new Battlestar Gallactica series much more.  ::) I'm such a dweeb---I can't get enough of that show. I don't have cable, so I have to wait patiently for each season to come out on DVD. And then I watch the episodes over and over...(should I be admitting this freely?!).

Not big on Star Trek, except for the original series (and I really only watch it for Spock).

A while back I caught Red Dwarf, and then I never saw it again. It was pretty funny though.


4400 is on torrent spy


My love of Battlestar Galactica in no way detracts from my love of Firefly!  ;D


I have heard that Battlestar is really great--I have yet to see any episodes (no cable  :'() I'll have to try and rent a season and see what it is like!

*tee hee hee* Shaolinbunny mentioned "Jayne's Town" what a great episode (like their are any bad ones...) I love the begining where everyone is having a stroke around the statue of Jayne!

I think my all time favorite ep has to be Ariel--I think it's the only hiest they have that almost goes right! Too bad Niski ruins it for them in a later episode...

As far as Serentiy goes, I was deeply hurt by Joss's choice to kill off several people, however, it's Joss! He loves killiong off people and mostly I am just really happy they were given the oppurtunity to continue the story and also give it a kind of ending. I think some books are being written and a couple more Dark Horse comics!

When I read your subject line, I thought you were talking about real fireflies and I was all set to type how I love them and was just talking with my sisters about them this evening!

I like firefies too! But hey! now that you are here--how about watching the show? You'll love it!


This is so funny! It is a Muppet version of Serenity! It is several minutes long--but well worth the watch! You will giggle a lot, I promise!!!


Of course I have "Jaynestown" stuck in my head now.
I'm going with "Out of Gas" as my favorite episode.
Favorite Jayne quote: "If wishes were horses, we'd all be eating steak" 
Not veg*n friendly, but funny. 

Capture: "You're my new best friend! SO you wanna come over tomorrow and watch Serenity??? I'll make popcorn and have protein in all the colors of the rainbow!"
Sounds great but it would be one heck of a drive! If you ever find yourself in the Yucatan, stop by and I'll make the popcorn.


Of course I have "Jaynestown" stuck in my head now.
I'm going with "Out of Gas" as my favorite episode.
Favorite Jayne quote: "If wishes were horses, we'd all be eating steak" 
Not veg*n friendly, but funny. 

Capture: "You're my new best friend! SO you wanna come over tomorrow and watch Serenity??? I'll make popcorn and have protein in all the colors of the rainbow!"
Sounds great but it would be one heck of a drive! If you ever find yourself in the Yucatan, stop by and I'll make the popcorn.

Thanks Savvyidler! I'll be sure to look you up the next time I take the mule out for a ride!


I have heard that Battlestar is really great--I have yet to see any episodes (no cable  :'() I'll have to try and rent a season and see what it is like!

If you decide to watch Battlestar (and you should! :)), I strongly suggest that you start from the beginning (the miniseries, which I believe is the first DVD of the series). If you're a sci-fi fan, I can't imagine you being disappointed. I like that the premise of the show is very dark (post-apocalyptic).


Thanks Shaolin! I'll defintly look into watching BattleStar and I'm all about the dark sci-fi!


Since we're on the topic of sci-fi, has anyone seen the sci-fi movie Sunshine that's out in the theaters right now? Just curious if it's any good. It stars Michelle Yeoh from Crouching Tiger and Memoirs of a Geisha. (She does her own stunts! That I like.)



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