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good site to start blogging

hey folks,

I'm considering starting a blog and I want to know your opinions! What are some good, (free) sites where I can start one? do you know of any that include a poll feature where readers can fill out polls (including typing in answers to questions?)

I'm graduating from school this year, in a program which has taught me alot about animal agriculture in Canada and other countries,, and has (in part) prompted me to become vegan. I want to make a blog about what & how I've learned at school, how it impacts the animals (and people), and how it has impacted me. I feel like this is a worthwhile thing to do since I have essentially been educated to work in the industry, and most information out there about farming and handling methods comes from either the ag industry, or opponents outside of it - there isn't much middle ground. I also think it's important to represent Canadian issues since most of what I find about animal agriculture online is regarding the US ag industry. I feel that having a degree in this field will help make clear some issues that need clarifying, and maybe bring some credibility to the information I plan on posting.

I know VW has blogs, but I'd prefer if it was separate - like on blogspot or something like that.


I've been blogging on since 2004 and really like it. However, I haven't tried anything else. And blogger is pretty popular and free! I recommend it.


I use wordpress and am quite satisfied with it.  It's easy to use and it looks professional, in my opinion.

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I don't have ads on mine, I think you have to add it yourself.


I use Blogger..
My friend uses wordpress and it does look professional!! looks interesting, I might have to check that one out.

But at the moment, I'd have to say wordpress...


I'm a LiveJournal kind of gal myself although I know a lot of people don't consider it professional-looking/sounding enough.

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