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Going Veg to save $$? MSN Article

I saw that this morning too.  I emailed the link to some co-workers.  We then had a lengthy conversation.  The individuals I have sent it to love to talk about it, but use the common excuse, I have to have meat.  :)

I just share information with them.


Thanks for the link! However, I did think the women they interviewed was a little misguided--especially when she said it's a good idea to have some fish or seafood from time to time...*EEK*


I thought it was written pretty fairly, it says while vegetarians lack this, meat eaters lack this. All in all I think it put Veg*nism in a good light.....

If a million people read it, and a handful decide to try becoming Veg*n, does it really matter WHY they became veg*n?  :)


My omni co-worker emailed me the link.  It's nice to hear something positive about veg*nism.  People already know animals are mistreated and don't seem to mind.  I think that the general population will be attracted to veg*nism for the health benefits.  Hopefully, the article will get some people thinking - and then acting.


Pretty good article.

Though, I have to say, going vegan has not saved me money! This could be because I'm addicted to certain expensive, organic products, i.e. miso, tahini, almond butter, macadamia nut butter, and so on.

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