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The Fifth animal cruelty in films.. NVR

I just finished watching The Fifth Estate.  I guess you could call it a Canadian version of 60 Minutes.  It showed the cruelty of animals in film.  Not like we don't know it happens.  I no longer want to see ANY movies with chimps in them.  The chimp in a Seinfeld episode where he spit water on Kramer didn't have the best ending.  Just because it is AHA (American Humane Association) approved, doesn't mean animals weren't hurt even if they were and died as long as they followed their guidelines.  A horse died a horrible death in the remake of Flicka.  AHA is not affiliated with the American Humane Society.

Here is the link to tonight's show.  (more facts)

Nothing like crying for an hour.

Walt Disney being one of the worst.  I knew that already.  Guess that is why I much prefer Walt Disney animation.

Not sure if you all remember years ago the Walt Disney special where they showed lemmings all jumping over a cliff committing mass suicide.  They were forced over the cliff! I learned that years ago and am disgusted to this day.

Maybe it is time to write big production companies and show our disgust.  Many here boycott circuses because of the mistreatment of animals.  If you only knew how movie and TV chimps are trained.  Worse, where many end up.  Other animals too.  Unfortunately, chimps live a very long time and are taken when babies, one or two years old.  When they get to be seven, they are unruly so they end up in horrible places.

Four TV chimps ended up at a crappy roadside zoo.  They got out.  Three out of four were shot by zoo officials.  May they RIP and I am sure they are in a better place even if there isn't a better place.  Nothing has got to be better than what they have.

I truly am disgusted and very upset right now.  I will write The Fifth Estate to thank them for airing this program and may buy the video.  It should be shown in every school. 

We all go to movies and are so happy at the end to see no animals were hurt and the AHA seal of approval.  Guess the dead horse in the remake of Flicka couldn't read.  Or, no animals were hurt.  Just one beautiful horse died! 

Very good special and I think you can watch it on your computer.

Sorry I ranted but I will not sleep well tonight.

Mods, I probably should have posted this on the free for all.  Please move it if you think it is better posted there.

Oh, and good old Walt had a special with a baby polar bear sliding down a hill.  Well they d*mn pushed him and he gained speed.  Nice to see him bashing in to the rocks at the bottom.  And it wasn't shot in the Arctic.  The poor little thing was on a f*cking set! 

My mistake.  Two horses died in Flicka.

I moved this over to the Free For All in case people here had... um... strong opinions about animals being mistreated.


di - I posted a thread about this a little while back:

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