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I need to loose some weight!

ugh- I knew my pants were tight, but I went to the doctor's this morning- I'm 157 lbs!!!  :o Time to shed a few. Should help my running too. The problem is I have a HUGE appetite! Seems like I am always hungry- like now! Anyone have any tips? I try to eat lots of fruits & veggies & I am already very active.

I don't have any tips but I have lots of understanding! I'm 5'2 and 140 lbs...I feel like such a fat cow! If you find a magic way of dropping 30 lbs though let me know!!!
*erg* it's so not fair some people get to look like this and it's even more unfair that I am expected to live up to this kind of fantasy...Where's the love for fat girls?


Water, water, and more water. Oh, did I mention water? LOL! Seriously, increase the amount of water you drink. Water helps keep you full and "flush" out the food in your system. It also helps keep you from feeling bloated.

Also, don't eat past 6PM. Go to bed hungry. This works everytime! When you go to bed hungry, you know your body has absorbed and metabolised the food you ate that day. Plus, not eating past 6PM gives your body a rest from digesting food (which is a good thing). You'll wake up feeling more refreshed, and lighter!

Another thing... do your math homework. 1 pound equals 3500 calories. To lose 1 pound a week, you either decrease your daily food intake by 500 calories, or increase your workouts by 500 calories. To lose 2 pounds a week, combine the two. And keep track of how many calories you eat by logging a food diary. You would be AMAZED at how much you eat, when you really think you're not eating that much! When you write it down on paper, you have a better idea of how much you're really eating. Plus, after awhile, it'll get to the point where you won't want to have that extra piece of chocolate cake because you know you'll have to write it down and track it! LOL! Good luck, and keep us posted!

EDIT: I should've mentioned that I know what you're going through. At the beginning of this year (so starting January 1), I weighed 155-160 lbs (I'm 5'3). By doing everything I told you to, I'm now 119 lbs (I run as well, like you). I really increased my water intake, and I went to bed hungry. I also cut back on my sweets (of course I'll have the odd sweet and such, but it's all about moderation). I made a point to exercise. The key is to be persistant! I treated my workouts as I would a doctors appointment. After all, you wouldn't skip out on that, would you? I called my eating habits "The No-Crap Diet". Basicallly, I just stayed away from anything that was crap, and I really increased my fiber intake. Anywho, that's how I did it. Again, good luck!


ugh, I have had success in the past with writing down everything & tracking every calorie, I was hoping I wouldn't have to resort to that again. It's a pain & I often get my lunch from the whole foods salad bar & I can't really measure things there....ok, am I making silly excuses? yes

One issue I have is I typically have a bananna & some cofee with soymilk before I run or do some other exersize in the morning, then I'm really hungry afterwards. I'll eat somehting & be hungry again in a few hours & can't wait until lunch. Does anyone have a good filling breakfast idea?


Try a fruit smoothie with fibre and protein in it. I usually have 1 frozen banana, some other fruit (like plums, or pineapple), throw in some Hemp Protein and Fibre Smart, a little bit of agave nector, and some cocoa powder (you could add soymilk if you wanted to. I don't, I just use water). The fiber from the product and fruit will help keep you full, and the protein will help replenish your muscles.


ok, you have to remember that there's a natural place your body wants to rest. I'm a little scared of what that is for me, but every body has one. it worries me when so many of us are trying to look like models, when that's not normal or what our bodies want. we have to listen to our bodies. I'm struggling with that right now, and trying to get away from thinking or wishing to look "perfect."

and you know, it's always always always airbrushed. always. magazine covers are full of sh*t.

because you're vegan or veggie, you probably don't have to worry about being overweight or obese. a little extra belly fat? hmm. the only thing I can recommend is good physical activity, and it sounds like you're already getting that. maybe a different kind of exercise is in order. weights, yoga, pilates?


maybe you guys should be so hard on yourselves? as long as you are healthy which i am sure you all are.
i am like 5'1(.5?)" and weigh about 145. maybe it is the way i am built but i would consider myself a healthy weight. is that to say i never think about losing weight? no. but mainly i just want to maintain a healthy weight.


EDIT: I should've mentioned that I know what you're going through. At the beginning of this year (so starting January 1), I weighed 155-160 lbs (I'm 5'3). By doing everything I told you to, I'm now 119 lbs (I run as well, like you). I really increased my water intake, and I went to bed hungry. I also cut back on my sweets (of course I'll have the odd sweet and such, but it's all about moderation). I made a point to exercise. The key is to be persistant! I treated my workouts as I would a doctors appointment. After all, you wouldn't skip out on that, would you? I called my eating habits "The No-Crap Diet". Basicallly, I just stayed away from anything that was crap, and I really increased my fiber intake. Anywho, that's how I did it. Again, good luck!

Wow! That's very impressive!  Awesome!


I would say the best ways to curb your appetite are 1) increase your fiber intake; 2) increase your water intake, particularly when you are feeling hungry (when you feel hungry, try drinking a 16 oz glass of water, wait a bit, and if you are still hungry than eat; if not, you were probably just dehydrated); and 3) increase your protein intake (some raw nuts mixed with some dried fruit is a good snack to fill you up). Fruits and veggies are great for lots and lots of things, but they don't make you feel "full".

As far as a good filling breakfast, I have either two pieces of whole wheat toast with some sort of nut butter topped with sliced banana, or I'll have a cup of plain soy yogurt topped with raw almonds, a bunch of milled flax seed, banana, and some shredded unsweetened coconut. In the wintertime, I ALWAYS have a huge bowl of oatmeal with banana, blueberries, and flax seed. I try to have at least 16oz of water before breakfast as well; if I don't, I'll have a glass of orange juice with my breakfast. These are the only things that stick with me. Cold cereal doesn't, smoothies don't, etc.


If you are looking to keep track of everything you put in your mouth (I do it in fits and spurts. I'm not doing it right now, but I am also iving off of burritos and frozen soygurt, you could try a calorie logging site. It makes everything a bit less of a hassle.

I'm a memeber of, a nutrition logging site. It's free and the forums are full of really helpful, friendly people (not as friendly and helpful as vegweb, though!). There are some good veg*n resources, hidden around the site. The site also allows you to track fitness and all of that. It's a pretty great tool! I'm just about to get back into actually logging what I eat and making an effort. *pudgepudge*

There's also a chapter in "Becoming Vegan" with some good nutrition information for veggies trying to drop some weight (as well as a modified food pyramid, etc). and it's overall fairly helpful. Your local library might be able to get it in for you. :)

As for your appetite, after about a week of eating a restricted calorie diet, your body will adjust. You might feel like hell, but your body will get used to eating less food and then start burning the pudge off, hooray! I dropped down to a 1,300 calorie diet last winter and I felt icky for a week, but then my energy returned and I could take on the world!

A great breakfast is tofu scramble (I throw in some beans, because high protein breakfasts really get me off to a good start, but everyone is different) on a piece of whole wheat toast. I also drink a soy latte every morning because I'm totally addicted to caffeine. Sigh. That and then an apple or whatever mid morning usually gets me through! Fiber and protein will keep you full longer than simple carbs and fats, so, keep that in mind. By and large, veg*ns don't have much trouble getting enough fiber!

Good luck and certainly keep us posted!


wow thanks everyone!!! To address some of your concerns, I'm not trying to fit society's standards or anything, I have good self image, but I just want to be able to fit into the clothes I already have & this morning's weigh in was just a wake up call. I have been eating too much lately & I need to curb it.  I made a profile on mycalorietracker & I think it looks pretty user-friendly, it will help me keep track of things. The only thing I don't like is that you are supposed ot only update for the current day. SO if I don't use the internet for a day I can't go bakc the next day & put in what I ate? that seems silly.  I'll check out thanks!!! And I will keep you all updated, I think it will help me stick to it!


This is what I've been trying, in order to lose 10 pounds... i've been stuck at 120-125 for like 3 years and it's starting to be annoying.. hehe. (I'm 5'2"). Anyway, a lot of it is the same as what people above said. 

Go to sleep as early as you can, 10pm is best.
Drink water! 10+ cups depending on your size.
Find out how many calories you need to eat, subtract 500 or burn 500 in exercise
  to lose 1 pound a week. Don't eat under 1200 calories.
Exercise for at least 30 minutes. The last 5-10 minutes will be pure fat burning.
Eat protein rich foods, your weight divided by 2 is how many grams of protein is advised, some people think we need less, but it's still important.
Eat every 2-3 hours to boost your metabolism.
optional- drink 2-3 cups of green tea near mealtimes to boost your metabolism more.

My problems tend to mostly be in getting to bed early enough and eating enough calories. Hope you have good luck!


wow! that sparkpeople website is great!!!

kylissa & capture- you should check it out!


As far as a good filling breakfast, ...In the wintertime, I ALWAYS have a huge bowl of oatmeal with banana, blueberries, and flax seed. I try to have at least 16oz of water before breakfast as well; if I don't, I'll have a glass of orange juice with my breakfast. These are the only things that stick with me. Cold cereal doesn't, smoothies don't, etc.

Yay for oatmeal breakfast! I sometimes make a huge pot of bulghur or steel-cut oatmeal at the beginning of the week, then keep it in the fridge. Each morning, I'll zap a scoop in the microwave with agave nectar, any nuts or dried fruit on hand, then toss it with some rice/soy milk in a travel mug and get on the train for work. Then the other commuters stare with envious, hungry eyes the whole time, but you don't have to enjoy that part :)  It definitely keeps my tummy satisfied. If you need more protein, you can do the same with quinoa.

As for online sites, I've always used Fitday per the recommendation of my compulsive SIL who researchs everything she does. My favorite features are:
-I can keep track of my nutrition (like Iron & B12)
-I can set goals for everything (activity, hydration, weight)
-You can also go back to different days to change what you've put in.
-It has a "Journal" feature that can be kept private. I tend to measure different parts of my body (thighs, etc.), and track those measurements rather than weight because it's a more accurate indicator of how your body is changing. Muscle weight is great to put on!

Okay, that's my way-more-than-two cents. Good luck losing weight healthfully!


wow! that sparkpeople website is great!!!

kylissa & capture- you should check it out!

Cool! I signed up and am playing with the meal planner... uh oh, I've already eaten 400 calories of watermelon today. haha.


I don't really have anything new to add but just to put my vote in for eating a healthy and hearty breakfast (oatmeal, or 10 grain hot cereal with fruit), going to bed early and getting up early, and drinking water. If you get sick of plain water I would recommend buying some loose herbal teas and a steeper- when you think about eating something you don't really need make a cup of tea instead the little preparation of putting the kettle on, scooping your tea, etc might trick you into thinking you're getting a bit of a snack.


Does anyone have a good filling breakfast idea?

I unintentionally lost weight when I started having red kidney refried beans in a whole wheat tortilla for breakfast (I had Kashi GoLean crunch w/rice or soy milk, fruits and vegetables for other meals).  I had one or two for breakfast and another for lunch... sometimes I had two for lunch and one for breakfast.  Basically three wraps per day.  This is how I made it:

1 15 oz can red kidney beans
4 cloves garlic (or more if you're garlic crazy like me)
Some Cilantro
1/4 tsp Cayenne Pepper

Whole Wheat Tortillas
Diced Tomatoes

I put all ingrdients in skillet and cook of low heat for about 5 minutes, then I use a potato masher and squish it all together and cook it until it's super thick on medium high heat.  I then scoop some into the tortilla and roll it up with the diced tomatoes.  Some vegan cheddar is also a good addition.

I ate an entire can per day.  I think the reason why I lost the weight is because they're low calorie and high fiber and I ate it every single day for one week. 
So maybe find something you can eat everyday for one week at a time that's low in calories and high in fiber.  After one week when you (inevitable maybe) get fed up of eating the same thing, think of another dish (Or find one here) that you can eat for an entire week.


I recommend sleeping more.  If I need to lose some weight (a few pounds), I increase my sleep to 8 hours a night and that usually seems to do the trick.  Of course, this should be done along with a healthy diet and exercise. 


wow! that sparkpeople website is great!!!

kylissa & capture- you should check it out!

Thanks Lissaanddini--this looks like a great site--the real tradgey for me is that I work for a gym--I am a life guard and I have trainers and nutrition people at my beck and call--my body just refuses to respond to any of it! A few years back I was at 200 lbs (that is double what i weighed when I was 18--I got to 200 by 20). I lost 60 through diet and exercise so i know it works--but my body hit 140 and now won't budge! I could do cardio all day and i would still be 140. I think my body likes being here so I'm trying to be OK with that. Of course I am only 2 month into returning to a vegetaian diet which I followed all though middle and high school--so maybe I'll lose weight naturally though that. i have been keeping a weekly record of my weight since going back vegi but nothing yet--I wish luck to everyone else tyring o battle the bulge! It is comforting to know I am not the only one carrying around a few extra pounds (or 30...)


OK--I'm so not posting this to make anyone feel worse--but here is the CDC's BMI calculator--I figure if anyone would have the "right" numbers it would be them!

My BMI came out to 25.6 which is considered "overweight" but I am only .7 away from being considered "normal" i figured out that by their numbers I need to weigh 136 lbs to be at the max normal number which means I need to lose 4 pounds--makes me feel better then needing to lose the 30 lbs I thought to be "normal" OK--I hope this is helpful and not hurtful!

BMI                Weight Status
Below 18.5    Underweight
18.5–24.9    Normal
25.0–29.9    Overweight
30.0 and Above Obese


Gah why can't I eat enough calories, it's so annoying, I made freaking GORDITAS for dinner and still only 1000 calories total. 



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