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What can I do about this smell?

Yesterday I bought a new fake-leather handbag. I was really chuffed because it is exactly like the one I had before. But I bought it on the market and he didn't give me the "display model", he gave me one wrapped up in plastic with one of those silica-gel "do not eat" packets in it. When I got it home I realised it has a musty "in storage" smell that's really quite strong. I know it will go away with time, but right now it's very noticeable. What can I do? Can I spray it with Febreze? It's 100% polyamide or polyurethane or whatever, some kind of plastic. I don't know what Febreze (or its cheaper storebrand counterpart) would do to that.

Any other ideas?

If it's plastic, you should be able to clean it with something, right? I'm thinking baking soda or ammonia or soap could clean plastic and it's smell? Obviously, it should be diluted with water. Stop me if I'm wrong on this....


Yeah, maybe I can Febreze the inside which is cloth and scrub the outside with boric acid solution. Trouble is I tossed my old handbag too quick, so I can't soak it or anything cuz I need it to tote my junk in.


Boric acid? Wait..isn't that roach poison?! Are you just kidding with me?  ???


boric acid is also used for laundry


boric acid is also used for laundry

Really?! I never knew that. Is it used in the major brands?


boric acid is also used for laundry

And my mom used to pour it in our eyes-diluted- when we had pink eye as kids. It seemed to work, and didn't kill us...


Yup, boric acid (aka 20 Mule Team Borax) is used as roach poison, but also as a cleaner/disinfectant. You simply don't eat it, dear boy. There's a lot of stuff with multiple uses. My mom used hydrogen peroxide as a disinfectant...I freaked when I learned that people put it on their hair to change the colour.... ;D Epsom Salts is also a disinfectant for cuts etc as a soak, and a hella laxative if you drink it...and here they use it on the streets to get the candle wax off the pavement after Easter processions, which in this city are legion.
Alum is used in cooking in the States and is impossible to find here except in 2-kilo sacks at pharmacies (with a special certificate stating what you want it for) or at farmer's supply stores because it's used on grapevines. But a small box of alum for cooking purposes you cannot get. Nobody makes their own candy here.

Chemistry is cool like that.


I've always used alum on canker sores...tastes like hell but heals them quickly.


:-D  YG - So it's not good to have a borax protein shake?

FB - Borax in the eyes?!! I guess I can't wrap my brain around all of these alternative uses because I keep thinking of roach poison.

Mirrya - For a second, I thought you were putting borax in your mouth.  :o But I re-read and it's all good. Haha



vinegar gets rid of smells quite well


What happened with this, Ms. Yabbit? Did you get rid of the smell?


On the outside, yes. I haven't done anything about the inside because a) it's not very strong and b) I'm lazy and keep forgetting. It'll be OK, I guess.

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