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So, I want this to be a thread in which we talk about all things psychology.

So first, I'm doing a paper for my Abnormal Psychology class. I have to diagnose a historical figure or fictional character with a psychological disorder. I'm doing Dobby from Harry Potter. I just wanted to hear any opinions that any of you have. I'd like responses from anyone, but if you have any sort of degree in Psychology can you let me know? Thanks!

I have a degree in psychology, but I've never seen Harry Potter...........




So have not a lot of us, VH. I have deliberately avoided falling into the HP morass, myself.

However a friend of mine who is a clinician says that King Saul in the Bible is a textbook paranoid schizo...


that's nuts. i guess since i grew up with harry potter it's weird that people haven't seen it.

yg, that's hilarious!


First of all, you don't "see" Harry have to read it!! The movies do not do the books justice in the slightest. 

Another psychology major here, with a main focus on biopsychology and neurophysiology :)


that's nuts. i guess since i grew up with harry potter it's weird that people haven't seen it.

haha.  I'd never even heard of these books till the fourth or fifth one was out, but I have now read them all.  Not seen movies though, and I don't know anything about psychology...


First of all, you don't "see" Harry have to read it!! The movies do not do the books justice in the slightest. 

Another psychology major here, with a main focus on biopsychology and neurophysiology :)

this is true. but i've never read the books and the paper's due thursday, so i gotta go with the movie.

lmao! oww, i love you.


You need to read the books. The end.


i knowwww. i plan to this summer


Good plan. Come live in my basement and you can borrow my books.


Does being a long-time psychology patient count? I guess in a way it makes me an authority from a user's point of view... :D


courth- i have the books! since they first came out. lmfao. i just never felt like reading them. but i'll judt go live in your basement anyway! hahaha

yabbit- it sure does count!


Well, let me just say: what's written in a patient's file often tells us more about the psychologist/psychiatrist than about the patient. And too many neurologists fancy themselves psychiatric clinicians.


Well, let me just say: what's written in a patient's file often tells us more about the psychologist/psychiatrist than about the patient. And too many neurologists fancy themselves psychiatric clinicians.

Amen! And this is one reason I  :)>>> you.


ok, i need some opinions about underage drinking and DUIs. Just whatever you all think


hmm...I have a degree in psychology, and have seen Harry Potter, and I think I had to do this exact assignment like 10 years ago! So funny! (I diagnosed the character Phadres, from the book Zen and the Art of Motorcyle Maintence with a personality disorder of some kind and bipolar).  Dobby....he seemed abused at some point, no? maybe something that would have had to do with that?----maybe some kind of attachment disorder? Since he also seems to latch onto Harry Potter...  I don't know, I am into behavioral psych. now, and my paper would probably look much different these days.....

You could look at underage drinking research, (journal of applied behavioral anaylsis (JABA) lets you search abstracts and most articles for free)...pick a couple articles, read the abstract, intro, and results/discussion and base your opinion around those if you want to do a bang-up job on a paper.

Underage drinking is, I am sure, correlated to a large number of negative outcomes for teens, (liklihood of depression, DUI's, teenage pregnancy) could be possibilities? I am not current with that research.....Ways to address underage drinking might be to make alternative things teens could do, cheap movie tickets, involvement in curricular activites,to enhance some "protective" factors, which are factors researchers look for in kids that report they do not engage in those risk-taking behaviors... I think parenting styles could be another "protective" factor related to keeping kids from drinking...etc...


i diagnosed Dobby with borderline personality disorder. he did have abuse in his past, the malfoy's abused poor little dobby!!


Underage drinking is, I am sure, correlated to a large number of negative outcomes for teens, (liklihood of depression, DUI's, teenage pregnancy) could be possibilities? I am not current with that research.....Ways to address underage drinking might be to make alternative things teens could do, cheap movie tickets, involvement in curricular activites,to enhance some "protective" factors, which are factors researchers look for in kids that report they do not engage in those risk-taking behaviors... I think parenting styles could be another "protective" factor related to keeping kids from drinking...etc...

I don't know from where exactly but apparently in Spain and UK there is research saying that adolescent's brains are basically incapable of effectively calculating risk and consequences. Not that they can't do it at all but they don't do it well. So you get either the timid mouse who never does anything out of fear of consequences (and I'm sure "nurture" helps "nature" out here) and then the media-typical "youths" who take enormous risks due to overconfidence in their ability to avoid disaster. Bad stuff happens to other people, not me!

Of course with DUI specifically, drinking often breeds cockiness as inhibitions relax: "I can do this, no problem!"

I must see if I can find a source for that research.


The fact that you 'grew up' with the Harry Potter movies makes me feel really, really old.


The fact that you 'grew up' with the Harry Potter movies makes me feel really, really old.

:/ i didn't mean to!



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