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Prospective Vegan: Advice please from all you pros please!

Hi everyone, i joined this site because i have been looking into making a life style change with the way i eat, what i eat and to in general become more healthy. I have been reading about being vegan, vegetarian and looked in the macrobiotic lifestyle. But i still kinda clue less... how do i start... what can i eat or not.. what are soem easy things to prepare  daily that can get me through the day while i learn the ropes... any and all tips! thanks

good list of non vegan ingredients:

for now mexican dishes are always pretty easy, pasta, veggie strifrys, vegan boca burgers, mock chicken or tuna salad (made with mashed garbanzo beans)...

u will spend a lot of time reading ingredients off packages at first but it will become easier with time

also check out this link for some stuff u can easily find at the grocery store


buy a few vegan cookbooks, Where it all vegan is a good one to start out.
I eat lots of chili, especially this time of year.  Beans, rice, veggies......I got tons of recipes from here and just started experimenting.  Ask lots of questions, people here are great about helping. 


i agree with lubi... vegweb has been a lifesaver... i'd say 75% of the recipes i have tried on here turned out amazing :) and people r always willing to answer ur questions so ask away



Basically a vegan is one that does not eat any animal flesh (beef, pork, fish, or chicken), eggs or dairy or honey (controversal but honey does not come from a plant). 

You can jump right in, or you can go slowly elimating products over time.  The choices are virtually limitless...there are literally thousands of vegan recipes here at vegweb.  What you eat is really up to your personal tastes. 

Best of luck to you.  I hope you stick around and participate in the forums.  Feel free to ask any questions.


eh, not sure if you're a guy or girl lol sorry. but this book, Skinny Bitch, is the reason i turned vegan after 21 years of being a meat-eater. it talks about everything: factory farms/slaughter houses, dairy, exercise, health, vitamin list, meal plans, the fda, organic, junk food....and it is soooo freakin funny and easy to read! they made one for guys called Skinny Bastard. lol and it's not about being skinny, the title is just an attention grabber  ;)  they have it at barnes and noble for like 13 bucks, or you can order it from the website.

Good Luck!


eh, not sure if you're a guy or girl lol sorry. but this book, Skinny Bitch, is the reason i turned vegan after 21 years of being a meat-eater. it talks about everything: factory farms/slaughter houses, dairy, exercise, health, vitamin list, meal plans, the fda, organic, junk food....and it is soooo freakin funny and easy to read! they made one for guys called Skinny Bastard. lol and it's not about being skinny, the title is just an attention grabber  ;)  they have it at barnes and noble for like 13 bucks, or you can order it from the website.

Good Luck!

ha i think this is why so many are turning vegan now including me... and some of my friends i let borrow the book... i bought 5 books off amazon for like $25 total and they are all being borrowed right now :) i want to convert the world!

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