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I decided to become a vegetarian.........any tips?

Greetings my name is Luis but im best known as Luigy, im 22 live on Brooklyn, NY and i own a restaurant. So today i turn on my computer and go to Worldstarhiphop and saw this video.

After watching this video i decided to not go back anymore. i tried to be a vegetarian about 3 years ago, but lack of knowledge and commitment is what got me back to eating meat. i need to know what is it that i need to stay away from and what do i need to keep a healthy life. since i will no longer eat meat what do you best recommend to make up for the loss of proteins and vitamins?

And here is my Chihuahua Toby

Most people actually consume way more than enough protein.

SOY! It's excellent. You can make so many things with soy, and even buy things premade to start out with if you aren't cooking savvy. It tastes great, absorbs flavors, provides protein and vitamins. My favorite variation of soy is tempeh. It's really easy to cook with and has a much better, firmer texture than tofu (I still can't eat tofu without feeling sick just due to the squishiness).. You can usually get a few meat substitute products at any grocery store. Check out reviews on this website of products recommended by us veg*ns. If you have a health food store, coop, etc, you can find more products like tempeh.

Good luck and we're here to help you along the way! Don't give up!  :)


I seen that video yesterday. There is no way a loving person could watch that and think its fine what they are doing.

I actually think you should go on Amazon and get some veggie books and how-tos. Thats what i did and i am now on my journey to become a vegan.


protein is easy peasy! even veggies have protein! tofu, gluten, beans, whole grains, quinoa, nuts... the possibilities are endless :)


I don't like soy or seitan and I still get plenty of protein.  When I first went vegan the smell of bbq made me salivate, so I ate fake burgers with fake bacon and fake cheese smothered in bbq sauce (omni subs don't taste the same at all, so I used a strong bbq sauce so I just had the consistencies of the other ingredients and not the flavors).  If you start craving meat during the transition, there's no shame in a cheat.  Now, years later, I prefer whole foods.

Protein is easy.  If you're into books, check out The China Study.  It'll make you feel much more comfortable about meeting your protein and nutritional needs.  I get plenty of protein from the veggies, fruit, beans, and grains I eat.  If, on occasion, I feel hungry for more protein I make a smoothie.  It doesn't happen often.

I also think that if you eat a variety of whole foods you'll get lots more nutrients than if you ate some processed foods before.  When I remember, I take a multi-vitamin - probably a couple of times a month - because I'm kind of lazy about the variety in my diet.

The only nutrient you have to add is Vitamin B-12.  Some people get it through nutritional yeast.  I don't want to eat that much nooch, so I take sublingual tablets when I think about it - again, probably a couple of times a month.  I think my B-12 is something like 12,000 times the RDA, so I figure twice a month is fine (it's stored in your body).


:)Thanks guys!!! i really appreciate the replies. Becoming a vegan doesn't happen overnight that's why i decide i will be a full vegetarian and a vegan in process. although it hurts to still consume animal related food, this something i will still eat. since i started this thread i have not touched meat at all. as of now i do not eat meat, poultry, fish or eggs. its a start but as i get used to it, the list will get bigger. like i said its not something that happens overnight for various reasons. and being a hardcore vegan can be rather expensive so its a long process i will have to work with myself to fully commit to. once again thanks. i already feel healthier inside for the reason that i was a heavy red meat eater.  :(


it shouldn't be expensive except if you don't have any spices, that's what i spent most on... and ya if you are buying prepackaged vegan mayo, meat subs, fake cheeses then yes it will be hella expensive... beans, rice, veggies, pasta, tortillas, etc are not expensive at all


it shouldn't be expensive except if you don't have any spices, that's what i spent most on... and ya if you are buying prepackaged vegan mayo, meat subs, fake cheeses then yes it will be hella expensive... beans, rice, veggies, pasta, tortillas, etc are not expensive at all

well that's exactly what im talking about. and i wan the hardcore stuff. not only eating but wearing. but im committed, expensive or not its something im doing.


it shouldn't be expensive except if you don't have any spices, that's what i spent most on... and ya if you are buying prepackaged vegan mayo, meat subs, fake cheeses then yes it will be hella expensive... beans, rice, veggies, pasta, tortillas, etc are not expensive at all

well that's exactly what im talking about. and i wan the hardcore stuff. not only eating but wearing. but im committed, expensive or not its something im doing.

awesome and thanks for the video link i posted it on my FB... well you found vegan recipe paradise on vegweb... this is where i learned how to cook... i even blog now about cooking LOL... need any help just holla <3


and i can't believe you're only 22 and own a restaurant! crazy! mad props


and i can't believe you're only 22 and own a restaurant! crazy! mad props

i own a restaurant not a multi-million dollar business. a restaurant at 22 is very much possible, and with restaurant, self employment and entrepreneur skills and experience in the family, its very much possible. i don't live the lavish life although i would be living much better if it wasn't for this financial downturn but i cant complain really. i come from a country(D.R.) where there's children right now going to sleep with an empty stomach so compared to then i live very well, and with anything less im very happy with.


and i can't believe you're only 22 and own a restaurant! crazy! mad props

i own a restaurant not a multi-million dollar business. a restaurant at 22 is very much possible, and with restaurant, self employment and entrepreneur skills and experience in the family, its very much possible. i don't live the lavish life although i would be living much better if it wasn't for this financial downturn but i cant complain really. i come from a country(D.R.) where there's children right now going to sleep with an empty stomach so compared to then i live very well, and with anything less im very happy with.

still even from your upbringing you should be proud of yourself :) if u ever get "mainstream" you could always give back to those you choose... :)

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