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what is a vegan? what does being vegan mean to you?

what is a vegan? what does it mean to you?

to me, being a vegan is just as much about compassion and understanding as it is about a militant methodology of monitoring what you eat.

if one is to try and look at a vegan in a literal sense of the word, the answer would probably veer more towards the "militant" answer.  However, if one was to be more liberal, and interpret a perception of "letter of the law" - the compassionate/understanding may win out.

For me, i see living a vegan lifestyle as a combination.  The main focus of course is abstaining from all meat products (food/clothes/by-products) etc. but as with most things in life - that's not black and white, there's many shades of grey.  Are you vegan if you use regular camera film? are you vegan if you pay money to attend a sporting event where the main item in play (baseball, football, etc) is made of animal skin?  are you vegan if you wear leather shoes that you had since before becoming vegan, especially so if you really can't afford a new pair of shoes? are you vegan if you buy a loaf of bread from the store where the ingredients are seemingly vegan haven't called the manufacturer to determine if some of the ingredients are animal or plant based? the list can go on and on really...

So, in my perception - being vegan is someone who strives not only for results but for ideals. In this, an example would be someone who even if *gasp* they consume
some "non vegan" product at some point - but they give compassion and love and don't judge others.  Think about it, part of what we're hoping to accomplish in a vegan lifestyle is that others will catch on and adopt a more humane lifestyle as well.  So who is more likely to serve as a positive influence to potentially persuade new people to examine a vegan lifestyle?  the vegan who is militant and judges people and turns people off and makes people think all vegans are nuts - or, the quiet, humble person who maybe doesn't follow 100% vegan diet but - through their actions - serves as a positive influence for others to then consider the same.

In that sense, would not almost - the person that serves as a greater power of persuasion almost then be considered more vegan?

Enquiring minds want to know.  8)

trust me you have not missed out, seriously who thought eating a piece of decaying flesh was a good idea anyway?


I'm not sure if HH was trying to pick on you for using the term "vegan," but if so I think they're being way too militant ;)

I'd be surprised if you didn't assume that and think that.

Good gods, what is with you? You obviously feel like you have some moral obligation to uphold the use of "vegan" in its strictest, purest form. But that's not going to keep me from saying I think you could cut other people a little more slack before you start turning them off with your passive agressive commentary. Why does it seem like, to you, animals deserve more compassion and forgiveness than people? Couldn't that be interepreted as being speciest?

OMG..... AMEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


lol.  That's such a strong response and I don't even know you.  I'm curious.  What did I post that you found offensive?


lol.  That's such a strong response and I don't even know you.  I'm curious.  What did I post that you found offensive?

yes i don't know you and i am by no means trying to pass judgement, but, i think people on this site in general are very quick to pass judgement on what is and what is not vegan. i agree that it causes lots of confusion when some vegans eat stuff that others would not, but at the same time, it is important to respect others' ideas and lifestyles. i don't understand what good is done by being so kind to animals, yet so harsh and hurtful to fellow humans.


i don't understand what good is done by being so kind to animals, yet so harsh and hurtful to fellow humans.

None.  It just serves to further alienate veg*s from the rest of society, and drive away compassionate people who might otherwise consider veg*ism.


i don't understand what good is done by being so kind to animals, yet so harsh and hurtful to fellow humans.

None.  It just serves to further alienate veg*s from the rest of society, and drive away compassionate people who might otherwise consider veg*ism.

she's being harsh to other vegans.
if you're gonna go around borderline "bragging" that you're a "vegan" and then you eat a little of this and a little of that... you shouldn't call yourself "vegan".

i don't know her either... but i'm sure she's not slapping people at mcdonalds for eating that shit.



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