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Im vegan but I can't stand...

Stereotypical hippies.

There are a bunch of damn hippies at my school that go around slapping peace sign stickers on stuff whenever they get the chance. Then the go and drive to Hartford (CT) and buy "the good stuff" from drug dealers, which helps "promote peace and expand minds." Then they smoke that shit and go and eat a bunch of McDonald's "food." I know 2 girls off the top of my head that party often, and have had abortions. I don't know what is more sickening, their actions, or the fact that they are so open and laid back about it.

The way I see it, buying drugs from drug dealers supports gang violence. Smoking shit makes you weak and apathetic, and hardly "expands minds." Eating McDonald's... speaks for itself on this website. And abortion as a form of birth control is just fucking appalling.

All this stuff adds up to what I could hardly call a peaceful life. Granted there are chill hippies out there but most of them just piss me off.

Any of you guys feel the same way? Oh and by the way, did I mention that they smell bad and have scummy hair...

The personal stories make me even more confused about why it's only a problem when hippies / faux hippies party and not when fraternity / sorority kids party, or punk / faux punk kids party, or when athletes party.  All the groups do these things you condemn.  Why is it only the hippie / faux hippie group that warrants comment?


Fake enlightenment,  maybe?


I don't get why people think the threshold of all things acceptable is what they, themselves, do and that everything outside that is intolerable.  It's just a repackaged Billy Graham message.


Also, it's called personal decisions. I know that sometimes they can effect others, which is awful, but seriously, as if we don't have plenty of things that should be illegal..... let me give you some rediculous examples.

cars (courtesy of Dustin) - We don't drive cars and we have to breathe in toxic fumes from others cars... ban the damn things! Unfair that I now have to suffer from maybe being run over and living in pollution.
meat It's killing people and harming animals. Yeah maybe we all agree on this one here, but everyone else would be pissed as fuck.

Can you see where this leads?...


I moved a lot because my mother and eventually most of my family was doing drugs. I had barely any friends, and learned, like you, how harsh this world can be. I saw my best friend shot from my window when I was just a small child. I would be the one who got the bruises from the drug induced rages my mother was in. I got kicked on, spat at, slapped, and very rarely heard I love you from my mother. I grew up in a very broken home, I dealt with depression. My life only got better when my mother finally went to prison for the latter half of my teen years and my great grandma raised me.

I don't care, to be frank, what anyone else thinks on the subject of drugs. Anyone that does them, buys them, supports legalizing them, or sells them is a retard. You can flame/hate me all you want but at the end of the day, I still think you're an idiot. And that is just me being honest!.

ps... for you drug addicts that might be reading this post saying "pft obviously she was doing the "bad" drugs" My mother over the course of my lifetime (to my knowledge) has mainly smoked pot. It wasn't until I was 9-10ish that she did other drugs. From their it quickly spiraled into cocaine, lsd, crack, heroine, and finally meth. My mother went crazy on pot! Pot is not the "good drug" it is bad for you, my husband 8 years after smoking pot in college has a hard time remembering stuff because of it. but then again if you get harmed from your stupidity, I don't feel sorry for you.

Wow, I love being a "retard."

Honestly, faylinameir, I'm sorry about what You went through...truly I am. I can relate to a lot of that.... but You can't blame one substance (in this case, cannabis) on what amounts to a whole host of problems on Your mom's part. If it were alcohol, not cannabis, that brought out the worst in Your mom, would You call for the prohibition of alcohol?

Simply put, some people shouldn't mess with drugs and other significantly mind-altering substances.
Some people shouldn't drink alcohol, period.
Some people shouldn't drive cars...


To say that it was "the drugs" or "the drink" that make someone an unfit parent, that's making excuses for the parent.  It wasn't the drugs.  It was the person.  Making excuses for them doesn't help anything.

I'm still interested to understand how everyone except for hippies make okay decisions when using/abusing a substance.  Jake, were the gangs in your childhood neighborhood composed of hippies?  Did only hippies buy from gangs?


I was going to keep checking this thread, but I decided not to because I will get too frustrated. Have fun, guys!


Jake, Fay, et all....

I grew up for the first part of my childhood in the ghetto of 'East L.A.'..... gang/gunfights were a common thing just over our backyard fence. I remember playing 'doggies' with Mom, where we spent nearly entire evenings crawling on the floor. When I was in High School, my dad got an update on one of the boys I used to play with.... Serving a looong time in Max Security.... High ranking in the 'Mexican Mafia'.

I've only met one or two members of Mom's side of the family (and she was a middle child of SEVEN children!) because of their heavy drug use and addictions.

I understand where you are coming from.... But cocaine, heroine, hell even meth have their own medicinal uses, and I know people who have legitimate prescriptions for them. Mind you, these are 'last resort' kinda things, where nothing else really worked....

I have been on some HEAVY and scary drugs in my life.... there was no 'gateway' no real escalation from one thing to another. All were prescribed and/or administered by licensed medical professionals. If it weren't for my otherwise 'healthy' lifestyle, I sincerely believe I'd probably be on dialysis....and I'm not even 30. I weened myself off heroine against doctors wishes, and outside of a rehab clinic (which I probably should have gone to, just for safety concerns). And if I ever have another month long migraine, I am going to get my hands on some LSD (it was originally tested for migraine treatment in humans).

I have been fortunate, in a fucked up sense, in that I have been able to get my treatments legally, where I didn't have to go to 'the street' and not know if I was getting strychnine, or have escalated to tying a tourniquet around my arm, a nurse did that.... But I do know how to.

Just as I don't ever see myself using a drill press, I don't ever see myself doing X. I've studied these things, know my body, and know I can't handle it and have a high chance of doing more harm than good to my body/mind. However, that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the effects/outcome of others using them.

Like I said, everything is a tool, and in one way or another has a use.


I moved a lot because my mother and eventually most of my family was doing drugs. I had barely any friends, and learned, like you, how harsh this world can be. I saw my best friend shot from my window when I was just a small child. I would be the one who got the bruises from the drug induced rages my mother was in. I got kicked on, spat at, slapped, and very rarely heard I love you from my mother. I grew up in a very broken home, I dealt with depression. My life only got better when my mother finally went to prison for the latter half of my teen years and my great grandma raised me.

I don't care, to be frank, what anyone else thinks on the subject of drugs. Anyone that does them, buys them, supports legalizing them, or sells them is a retard. You can flame/hate me all you want but at the end of the day, I still think you're an idiot. And that is just me being honest!.

ps... for you drug addicts that might be reading this post saying "pft obviously she was doing the "bad" drugs" My mother over the course of my lifetime (to my knowledge) has mainly smoked pot. It wasn't until I was 9-10ish that she did other drugs. From their it quickly spiraled into cocaine, lsd, crack, heroine, and finally meth. My mother went crazy on pot! Pot is not the "good drug" it is bad for you, my husband 8 years after smoking pot in college has a hard time remembering stuff because of it. but then again if you get harmed from your stupidity, I don't feel sorry for you.

Yeah that is horrible. I luckily stopped living with one of my parents before it got that out of control, but i truly sympathize for you. And i dont know if i would say they are retards, losers/scum maybe, but not retards.

I would think that it would piss you off more when punk / faux punk kids party.

It really doesnt matter who it is. The thing is I only know a handful of punks or hardcore kids or whatever you want to call them, but this area is infested with faux-hippies. Its really bad and if you lived around here im sure even you would be pissed off. As for the stupid frat kids, most of them are turning into faux hippies for whatever reason, or they are probably just to hungover to go to class so i really dont even seem them now that i think about it.

Maybe if drugs like marijuana were legal, we wouldn't have these problems of gang violence and drug dealing. Do you see any gang violence caused by buying and selling alchohol or cigarettes? they are both drugs that are legal.
Just sayin.

Actually yeah I did. There was a guy we called the "Puerto Rican Packy" who lived about a block or so away from my house. After all the bars kicked people out, the package stores shut down, and the supermarkets stopped selling alcohol the people who needed a fix (the addicts) would go to his house. He would sell alcohol out of his garage to ANYONE, but would mark it up ridiculous amounts. That was until a night where he wanted to much for something and an enraged alcoholic came back with a ball-peen hammer and broke his jaw in three places. The guy sellin alcohol was scum anyway, but no one deserves that shit.

Im probably gonna just stop posting because its getting to get old, posting all these fucked up stories isnt really doing anything for anybody.


I live in SoCal.  In all but a few areas (Malibu / parts of Los Angeles / part of San Diego) it's a vat of conservative Christians/Muslims/etc.  We have a larger group of emo and a smaller group of punk who do what you describe, but we don't have enough hippies to notice.  Oh, and we have a lot of homeless.


I live in SoCal.  In all but a few areas (Malibu / parts of Los Angeles / part of San Diego) it's a vat of conservative Christians/Muslims/etc.  We have a larger group of emo and a smaller group of punk who do what you describe, but we don't have enough hippies to notice.  Oh, and we have a lot of homeless.

maybe i will lure all the faux hippies in my town into a box with doritoes and an extra large pizza then nail it shut and send it to SoCal.

You can do the same just change the bait in the box to something like a monkey playing drums and upset toddler with a microphone. Some of the kids will enter the box thinking it is a punk show, but you may also  want to label your box "Totally cool anarchist punk show", as some of the other kids may not recognize the music as "punk" unless someone else tells them it is.


I don't understand what is going on in this thread. The official make stereotypes and judge large groups of people thread?


I don't understand what is going on in this thread. The official make stereotypes and judge large groups of people thread?

basically started out as me venting my dislike for "stereotypical" hippies. My miscommunication (use of the word stereotypical instead of "faux" or "wannabe") led to a horrible pissing contest.

In hindsight I also realize that vegweb is probably the wrong place to hate on faux-hippies, because... well you know... there are a lot of hippies on here.


lol, this thread is totally out of control!  I don't even know what is going on here.  Punk/emo/marijuana/tie-dye/poser drama all mixed up.  We went from talking about hippies to pot legalization to gang violence.  

Anyway, there are just a couple things that irk me about this thread:

1)  It's silly to conclude that drugs CAUSE gang violence, and that if we were to legalize drugs, that would solve gang violence problems.  While it's true that many gangs emerged in the 80s/90s during a kind of drug boom, the true cause of gangs is civil unrest, not drugs.  Gangs will thrive any time a particular group is disadvantaged and needs to resort to crime, and they perpetuate themselves through tradition much of the time.  It bothers me when people are all altruistic and say, in kind of an abstract way, "Oh, we need to legalize pot for the sake of the ravaged masses" when really they just want to be able to smoke it themselves.  It's not that simple.  It's not as if you take away the illegal drugs and then all the people involved in that trade will just go home peaceably.  You've got to produce a better solution than that; the whole notion is very naive.  I'm not saying I think pot should be legal or illegal, but I tire of recreational, middle class smokers going on about it like they're about to save the world.

2)  That being said, smoking pot is still smoking.  Marijuana smoke has 50 to 70% more carcinogens than tobacco, and even more cancer-promoting compounds (which accelerate tumor growth from benign to malignant).  It sharply increases cancer risk, especially for cancers of the head/neck/lungs.  It's not some magical, guilt-free product, and it bothers me when "hippies" (or whomever) think they have a free pass to use it because it's natural and less addictive than other substances.  No.  You're smoking, and you're taking on all the risks that accompany that.  So don't go about judging others for using prescription meds or tobacco for their psychological/physical problems.  I really, really hate to see pot smoking glamorized the way that it is among certain groups of people.  I don't think it's something to be proud of.  

Also, since someone raised the issue--the main reason tobacco is legal and pot is not is historical circumstance.  This country was founded on tobacco.  The history of the two are different, just like the history and significance of alcohol is different still.  At this point it's probably unreasonable to expect to criminalize tobacco or alcohol.  However, people are thoroughly educated (in theory) about the risks of these products .  Whether we want to legalize pot just to start a thorough educational program about how to smoke pot in moderation is the question.  I don't smoke, but I can't say that if it were legal I wouldn't have smoked by now.  And this way is probably for the better.  I really think tobacco and alcohol are plenty.  There are plenty of prescription/other meds that we could make OTC while educating people about proper use, but is it worth it?  Probably not.  Best just to reserve the drugs for people who've been verified to actually need it.

Anyway, I still don't really get this thread.  How about we just judge the actions, not the people.  People in all groups are assholes.  The end.


Stereotypical, faux, and wannabee are the same thing in this circumstance.  I was using different words to suggest another way to think about something.

I'm just playing with Jake.  He's punk and a lot of punks take time in their lives to loathe hippies.  (Read a couple of punk boards to verify this, if you wish.)  I would have been shocked if he had identified another broad group for disgust.  When it's punks vs. hippies, I don't take it seriously - but I like to prode when I can.  >:D

(Disclosure:  I'm not hippie or punk.)


1)  It's silly to conclude that drugs CAUSE gang violence, and that if we were to legalize drugs, that would solve gang violence problems.  While it's true that many gangs emerged in the 80s/90s during a kind of drug boom, the true cause of gangs is civil unrest, not drugs.  Gangs will thrive any time a particular group is disadvantaged and needs to resort to crime, and they perpetuate themselves through tradition much of the time.  It bothers me when people are all altruistic and say, in kind of an abstract way, "Oh, we need to legalize pot for the sake of the ravaged masses" when really they just want to be able to smoke it themselves.  It's not that simple.  It's not as if you take away the illegal drugs and then all the people involved in that trade will just go home peaceably.  You've got to produce a better solution than that; the whole notion is very naive.  I'm not saying I think pot should be legal or illegal, but I tire of recreational, middle class smokers going on about it like they're about to save the world.

I don't think that legalization will solve gang problems, but it would (hopefully) take away sizeable revenue. Also, while drugs might not be responsible for violence, I think that it's fuel to the fire in this case. I favor legalization for other reasons too - like being able to regulate marijuana so it's consistent and safe (sometimes it's laced with other drugs). At the same time, I think the whole medical marijuana thing in L.A. has gotten kind of silly... since its legalization, there have been "clinics" popping up all over to fill your prescription. I really think if we're going to act like it's a pharmaceutical, then it should only get dispensed at a pharmacy, rather than currently getting random pot from wherever and whoever and sold by people without any sort of training. But I digress...

I really, really hate to see pot smoking glamorized the way that it is among certain groups of people.  I don't think it's something to be proud of. 

I totally agree. At my first college, *so* many people smoked pot, and at the orientation the college president even addressed it - saying that "you guys do pot like it's a vitamin." I found that both funny and true... a lot of these people who are loud and proud about doing pot act like it's a supplement to their soul/coolness. It's just a (literal) weed that you get high off of, which smells like some weird herbal version of BO (at least it could smell nice?); it's not going to make you profound.

I guess what bothers me the most is that open pot smokers I've known often want to include me in their club. Sometimes people who drink ask me why I don't, but it's pretty much left at that. I don't know what's with the "pot culture" I've experienced, but it's like the girls in elementary school with the Giga-Pets (trendy electronic "pet" thing). You don't have one??? OMG why not!! You should!!! No really, be one of us!! It's great!!

I'm not saying all pot smokers are like that. Just the open ones I've come to know.


Yeah I agree with most of that, fb.  Especially that if marijuana is to be legal for medicinal purposes, it should come from a pharmacy. 

I guess it's like, a person wouldn't go around advertising/boasting how she takes a glass of wine to relax, or takes pain killers for cramps, or anxiety meds for anxiety.  Just go about your business.  If you smoke recreationally, you are undertaking a large risk, which doesn't speak well of your personal judgment, but go on with it privately if you want.  If you use it medicinally, you are still taking a huge risk, but just the same, go about it privately.  It's a drug.  A toxic substance.  Don't pretend it's something other than that.  And maybe look for an alternative, lower-risk way of remedying whatever issue you have that compels you to smoke.


On the medical note, I don't know why there isn't pills/injections of THC. It seems like a depot injection would be especially good for it, since it's lipid soluble and would be slow-diffusing into the system. And, that would bypass the harmful effects of smoke inhalation. Maybe because it can't be patented as a "nutraceutical"? Growing pot is simply cheaper?

It just seems like it would simplify medical marijuana, since many people don't want the drug to be legal for recreational use but are ok with it as a medical treatment.


That's a good idea.  Guaranteed, though, many people would start complaining about not knowing the risks and safety of the injections, and not trusting them because they are government-agency regulated.  Meanwhile they are inhaling carcinogens at will.  Your solution would simplify things a lot.  I like it.


Hahaha, yeah, there's totally going to be RFID microchips in there, and some vague mind control agent.
I've heard chronic pot smoking leads to build up of THC in fatty tissue, so people who try to abstain for a few days to pass the test don't because they'll still have it in their system. In fact, it was something like 30-48 days before it was all out of the system (days after abstaining). In that sense, I'd think a THC depot would be very similar to habitual smoking.
People who have a habit probably wouldn't go for it...I don't know any smokers who choose to use nicotine gum/etc instead, even though it's the active drug, without all the other contaminants.


Like Jake, I grew up in a terrible neighborhood.
I'd say 30-50% of the adults did meth... even one of the ladys whose house I spent most of the time at from the age of 9-12.

I am actually writing a speech on this (drugs and alcohol are not something I like).

both my brother and sister are  prescription drug addicts.
they're both almost 30.
one's a NURSE.
I wont go into the complete details.. but let's just say they've screwed not only their own lives up, but also mine and my entire family.
their problems have effected aunts, uncles and cousins.
and worse, my sister's 4 year old son. she will lose custody soon.

my mom was a bartender for 95% of my life.
can you imagine the stories I have heard?
people getting drunk and trying to kill others.
my own mother had to break up many fights between grown men.

in the end, I do not support drug use or alcohol (which is a lot of the time even worse).
I am not for prohibition or anything like that.. I just wish people would realize how much their actions affect other people's lives.
sometimes it's too late to realize.

on the other hand, I do find marijuana to be a bit different.
while I loath people who brag about its usage or  who talk about it every 5 minutes, I do not find it to be terribly terrible.
however, everyday usage is not good.

I will never smoke, do drugs or drink.
I've had too much family history... much more than I have just explained.

sorry for the huge amount of writing..
thanks to anyone who actually read it. *shrug*
I don't want any attacks.. I just want people to understand where I am coming from when I say I do not support it.
I would never go into anyone's thread  or go up to someone and tell them drinking is bad.. I just stay away from people when they are drinking.



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