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Recipe for VegNews Ad?

Does anybody have the recipe for the cupcakes and pink frosting that appear on the cover of Vegnews on one of the ads on this website?  If so, would you mind posting it on here, if that's allowed? I don't even know what flavor the cupcakes or frosting are so I might not be interested, but whatever they are they sure look good.

ARe you talking about this issue?
I don't have the recipe but maybe the link will help someone else who has it.


Okay in case any VegNews editors are up in arms about copying a recipe on here (which they probably aren't).... this post resulted in a 3 year subscription from me. Hopefully that will make up for it. ;)


The frosting looks so stiff and thick. It makes me wonder if it's vegan. I can never seem to get a thick, stiff frosting.

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