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How to make homemade vegan white chocolate

Hey everyone,
I looked in the recipe section of the website and didn't see any recipes for how to make homemade vegan white chocolate. I don't want to order any online because of time. I am making these brownie bites that are covered in white chocolate to look like ghosts for a friend's Halloween party this weekend. I got the idea out of a Wilton book called Brownie Fun and the book suggests melting white chocolate to coat the brownie bites in. I could use white frosting but that would be more messy.

i was wondering if any of you had any recipes for making my own white chocolate at home? One that is simple and easy would be even better. I know I can just use Google to search for recipes, but I want to make sure this one tastes good. Any recommendations? Thanks!

u gotta buy it as far as i know... sorry homegirl


I found some recipes for it online, I just wasn't sure if anyone had tried them. If I don't hear from anyone on here, I will just try the one I found and see how it goes. I will report back on how it went and tasted. Now I just have to find cocoa butter at the store. Can I buy that at any grocery store? Does anyone know?


I found some recipes for it online, I just wasn't sure if anyone had tried them. If I don't hear from anyone on here, I will just try the one I found and see how it goes. I will report back on how it went and tasted. Now I just have to find cocoa butter at the store. Can I buy that at any grocery store? Does anyone know?

cocoa butter prob a health food store, doubt a grocery store would have it sweet thang <3

You're welcome.

this must have gotten lost, it wasn't in my package! <3


You're welcome.

That's the one I was going to try, thanks! I will let everyone know how it turns out. I just have to go get cocoa butter and soymilk powder first. I am thinking my best bet for those items would be the health food store. Ours around here are kinda limited, but I would hope they would have the items.


Order 'em online if you can't find them at your HFS. You can get organic cocoa butter on Amazon for a good price.


Order 'em online if you can't find them at your HFS. You can get organic cocoa butter on Amazon for a good price.

Thanks for the tip! I didn't find any at the Health Food Store near work. I have other ones I can try but I may just have to buy it off Amazon so I don't spend all that time looking for it all over town. If I can't make the white chocolate by Saturday before the party, then oh well. I will make it for something else then. I love to bake anyway and would love to experiment with vegan white chocolate in recipes.


Order 'em online if you can't find them at your HFS. You can get organic cocoa butter on Amazon for a good price.

Thanks for the tip! I didn't find any at the Health Food Store near work. I have other ones I can try but I may just have to buy it off Amazon so I don't spend all that time looking for it all over town. If I can't make the white chocolate by Saturday before the party, then oh well. I will make it for something else then. I love to bake anyway and would love to experiment with vegan white chocolate in recipes.

planning is key! haha ya white chocolate is a vegan luxury item... bastards


Order 'em online if you can't find them at your HFS. You can get organic cocoa butter on Amazon for a good price.

Thanks for the tip! I didn't find any at the Health Food Store near work. I have other ones I can try but I may just have to buy it off Amazon so I don't spend all that time looking for it all over town. If I can't make the white chocolate by Saturday before the party, then oh well. I will make it for something else then. I love to bake anyway and would love to experiment with vegan white chocolate in recipes.

planning is key! haha ya white chocolate is a vegan luxury item... bastards

I couldn't find cocoa butter at either HFS near me, boo. So I will order some online and just make white chocolate another time. Won't get to make it for the party Saturday, but it's all good. Yes, vegan white chocolate is a luxury item. 

Thanks for your help everyone!


Order 'em online if you can't find them at your HFS. You can get organic cocoa butter on Amazon for a good price.

I get powdered soy milk in the bulk bins at my local Whole Foods.  I don't drink enough to justify a 2 qt box so it works for me.  cocoa butter I have no personal knolwege of.


Yeah, powdered soy milk is super easy to locate at a HFS or WF in the bulk section. I was referring more to the cocoa butter. I don't know if I've ever seen it in regular stores before.... not that I've looked hard.


Yeah, powdered soy milk is super easy to locate at a HFS or WF in the bulk section. I was referring more to the cocoa butter. I don't know if I've ever seen it in regular stores before.... not that I've looked hard.

The health food stores around here are lame and don't carry soy milk powder in the bulk section. I think they used to because I recall seeing it before but I definitely don't find it now. I could only find it in a huge container for about 14-16 dollars, ouch. I live about an hour from a WF's so can't go there for it  :(

I couldn't find cocoa butter at a HFS around here but I am sure I can get a good deal for that online.


I've never seen food-grade cocoa butter in a HFS, except recently with raw cacao butter (but I'm not sure if that would differ from conventional cocoa butter...). I believe there's cocoa butter on amazon. There's also soymilk powder on amazon.


I've never seen food-grade cocoa butter in a HFS, except recently with raw cacao butter (but I'm not sure if that would differ from conventional cocoa butter...). I believe there's cocoa butter on amazon. There's also soymilk powder on amazon.

Thanks for the info. I am going to look on Amazon for the stuff.  ;)b


Raw cacao butter is definitely not the same as cocoa butter.


Raw cacao butter is definitely not the same as cocoa butter.

I noticed when looking on Amazon that you have to be careful about what kind of cocoa butter you get. You have to make sure it's the stuff used for cooking and baking. Or you could end up with the stuff for your skin and that would not be good for making chocolate! haha


if u shop on amazon go through it helps him keep his blog going... click on one of his links then type in whatever... the guy who runs that blog is such an awesome resource for vegan news for real <3


I will keep that in mind Amy, thanks!

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